Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

January 7th, 2012

@sploshy Yup. Just about to come on stage :)

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Right. Sean Hughes time.

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mattgemmell If you enjoy the questionable nostalgia of watching old operating systems boot, cancel your weekend plans:

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 6:29 PM, Jan 7th, 2012 via Echofon)

(Note to self: roast coffee the day before all viewings if I ever sell this place.)

via Echofon

I didn’t notice it much at the time (slow build-up, perhaps) but coming back home, this flat smells really nicely of fresh coffee.

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@talkie_tim What are you up to? If you’re feeling lazy, feedburner can turn a feed with vaguely podcasty stuff into valid iTunes-ready feed?

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@BenPark It seems a lot more reliable now I’ve a mental list of all the ways it’s broken :/

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@BenPark Your link worked. Just “going to the site without the www and then giving up” has happened to me so often I thought I’d mention it!

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@BenPark Also, from memory, — without the “uk” — looks identical, but some bits don’t work. But that might be fixed.

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@BenPark Tech tip: If you (like I often do) forget to put the “www” on “”, then it just hangs. Grr.

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@BlackDogDays @stillawake It was a bit like a random walk/tweetup for me, as we also saw @PrisRosen :) Good to see you again!

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@PrisRosen @stillawake China Black! *That’s* what it was called before it was Posh Spice, before it was Cordial & Grace. West Indian/Chinese

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@Seej500 No more than eight hours, I’d say.

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And thanks to @Lillput for the beans :D

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@MrGreenGus @stillawake Thank you :) The nails are a legacy of when I used to play fingerstyle guitar a lot!

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Seeing as people were curious: My morning coffee, from green bean to cup.… @stillawake

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Time for a walk, see if I can shake this headache. @stillawake

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@SiDawson My dreams are awesome. It’s my conscious that lets me down…

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That dream I had about Alfred Hitchcock’s terrier this morning? My unconscious knows a lot more things than I do.…

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@shezza_t It’s weird. They crack a bit like popcorn popping, chaff drifts off them, and they get bigger during roasting.

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@stillawake Ugh. Only just booting my headachey self up through the use of coffee right now. Might depend on when you go!

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@stillawake Yup. That’s just perfect. Right there.

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I love my unconscious.

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Awoke this morning from a dream at a point where I was petting Alfred Hitchcock’s pet Westie terrier while helping lame friend find surgeon.

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@stillawake Yeah, they store for *ages* compared to the roasted beans.

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