@domwakeling Wouldn’t that have to be heavier than water?
@KaveyF @minibreakmummy If you look closely you can see the pixels.
@KaveyF But you must know what happened. You were there! Or do they put those explosions in afterwards with CGI?
So, am I right in thinking that @KaveyF will be on BBC 2 at 7:30 in _A Question of Taste_?
“John Connor, I have been sent from the future to warn you. On March 1, 2012…”
“I *know*, dickwad! Google, privacy policy, blah blah…”

Why have cubes when you can have an ice Stratocaster? (Yes, it’s too cold for ice, but wanted to try birthday pessie!) pic.twitter.com/Xmxs50y6
@adamcheasley They know what they’re doing and are nice friendly folk. Shouldn’t be too much of a risk :)
@adamcheasley @hayles And I shall re-tweet you, which I’m sure will get you other options.
adamcheasley Anyone recently got a black and white film developed in Bristol? Where did you go to get it done?
@adamcheasley @hayles Photographique on Baldwin Street. Don’t know if they do b&w in-house, but they can get it dophotographique.co.uk/film_developin…6hgJ
@pilky I can get behind hat. *sticks on Abbey Road*
@Milkyyy_ No; you’d have had to pay £25000 *to* Tony Blair to get him on a train.
@stillawake Wow. I guess the food blender she was using is just out of shot?
Okay, time to start codin’. #geek
@BlackDogDays @G2Bristol It’s a fair cop, guv. I need a snow-sensitive alarm clock. #ilovesnow
@G2Bristol *stays indoors*
@ephemerian It is; I just get dispirited and inspired in roughly equal doses when surrounded by people who know what they’re doing!