@psidnell @ephemerian I hear the redcoats are really cheery, though.
@ephemerian Ta! Must get myself to a BathCamp at some point, though am not myself a designer, sadly.
@BenPark @libbymiller Ta! Got a friend in town on a course during the days. Shame Dorkbot was last week; think he’d have liked that…
@Lillput @andybeebristol Shame. Someone spontaneously mentioned how good the food at the River Station was a couple of days ago…
@RamonYouseph Sometimes it’s just like that. Can you forget about it for now and look afresh tomorrow? I often find that helps lots.
@benjohnbarnes Yup.
Anyone know of any geeky evening gatherings of any kind in Bristol this week?
@KaveyF Nope. Still bloody cold here, though.
@tsunimee Bloggin’ wit’ ma bottle. Word.
@weirdoldhattie Too late.
*cuffs* @Jorence around the back of the head.
Now blogging with a cup of tea, a hot water bottle, a jumper and a hat.
@Jorence Ah, an open-windower eh? Well, just as long as we don’t share a room in a chalet in the Alps ever. (Yes, that has happened to me.)
@VeraR2010 Very wise. *shivers*
@VeraR2010 Ouchy yowch. But presumably they’re decently geared-up for it?
@Jorence Is your place old & draughty, too?
Brrrrrrrrr. *considers hibernating* *finds hot water bottle*
RT @194f: It’s National Croissant day tomorrow, come in and get your fill while they last. <— Like I need an excuse…
@Lillput Do it. It’s marvellous.

Aeropressin’. pic.twitter.com/f6MRGTEQ
@chrisphin “We traced the origins of Skynet to a tweet sent on 29 January, 2012…”
What time is it? Oh, yes, time for my second coffee. Hurrah!
@ahnlak Bet you it has. With any luck it’ll never be licensed for general use, though.
@ahnlak There’s been a contender for that position since the Olympics were announced.
@Mouse_House Ah, yes. That would do it. I have nobody to wake me up. Today this does not feel like a bad thing.
All *right*, children. *Glares at @MissRacingSnake*. I’m up. Happy now? Grrr.
@MissRacingSnake Just because *you’ve* lost your sanity doesn’t mean you get to drag *us* out of our nice, warm, comfy beds.
@Mouse_House *stretches* *yawns* *sighs* Who, me? No! I’ve been up for *hours*, honest. *sneakily gets up*
@tsunimee And you survived? Well done!