@tsunimee I have snowboarding gear that’s good for minus 30. If it gets too bad you can hibernate in this nest of jackets and salopettes.
@Lithosfear Really it’s a 2-hour pilot episode. If you’ve seen Hawke nicking Airwolf back from Libya in the first place, that’s the one.
@Lithosfear There’s a reason for that. Trust me.
@matt_fwyalchen 5 USA.
Oooh. _Blue Thunder_ is on later (the film, not the TV series. Unlike _Airwolf_, I preferred the film to the series.)
@VeraR2010 Ta.
Inspired by @Nose_in_a_book’s robin photo a couple of days ago, I went to get my own today. Straight from the camera: flic.kr/p/bcDTcR
@hayles Is that a new band?
@redlegoman …were actually swapped around in the last big iTunes release, but Option always toggled it the other way from the default.
@redlegoman Oh. Does for me. Option+click on green “maximise” button == maximise. Normal click == mini player. Oddly, those…
@redlegoman Yeah, but I mean specifically in iTunes — Option chooses between maximising, or changing to the “mini player”.
@MandinaM Ta :)

“Yes? Can I help you?” he seemed to say. pic.twitter.com/7fCilhS8
@redlegoman On a Mac? Try holding Option when you maximise.
Sacred tree instagr.am/p/hCKLj/
Right. Off for a leisurely wander.
Worried that Nevada might extradite me for driving on the wrong side of the road.
I am up early. And I have very little to do. Win! *stretches out on sofa*
@MsMottram I’ve had enough trouble with the Delia instructions. Do you think Heston would help or just confuse?
@nickdonnelly I *like* my desktop. #contrarian
@stillawake Oopsie. #irreconcilabledifferences
Mission accomplished! instagr.am/p/g_9sq/
@emmafurious @Jorence Well, they’re probably better at boiling eggs than me.
@stillawake I never got the hang of maple syrup.
@Jorence *dons apron and safety goggles*
@Jorence I approve. Especially of the coffee & breakfast bit. *gets up*
Oh. I think I just invented meals on wheels.
RT @cabanbury: Ahhh all snuggly. I really want tea and toast in bed. I need a butler. <— maybe we could get timeshare butler & spread cost.