Right. Night all. Sweet dreams!
@xabl @rabidbee @matthew_roach …then it probably ain’t iTunes.
@rabidbee @matthew_roach @xabl It’s to stop me getting so familiar with what’s broken in the current version that I can work around it.
@matthew_roach @xabl See also: charging *more* for the download edition of a product than for shipping a big box to you.
@matthew_roach @xabl They’re a very, very odd company.
@matthew_roach @xabl So all your help comes up upside down? *ducks* *runs*
@xabl I can’t believe a company that can produce something as good as Lightroom can also produce the Photoshop Elements helps system. Weird.
And this time, a link to that GIF of the Victoria Statue on College Green that works properly: http://bit.ly/hQhquo
@xabl @matthew_roach (Seriously though; I feel your pain. iTunes is annoying as hell even on a Mac; on Windows it’s intolerably awkward.)
@xabl @matthew_roach That’s just Uncle Steve’s way of telling you you need a bigger hard drive.
@matthew_roach @xabl Oooommmmm. Allmymoneypadmeohmmmm….
@matthew_roach @xabl This is the Apple way. Uncle Steve knows the best place for your iTunes Library. Trust in Uncle Steve.
This is my first animated GIF that’s actually worked out how I thought it should: http://bit.ly/fzWQJo
Adobe Help is *shite*. Thanks; I got the answer from Google while you were updating so you could tell me I had no Adobe products installed.
@talkie_tim WEST?
Gawd, the dubbing on that bit of #wakingthedead was terrible.
@hayles Merci! :)
Oooh, _Waking the Dead_ time. #angryshoutyman
@Jorence Ta! Because there’s not enough black and white in the world :)
My Flickr Noir browser extension is now available for Safari as well as Chrome :) http://gothick.org.uk/so… #geek
@Bristol_Culture I passed that place this afternoon and my “crap coffee” radar started pinging from the other side of the street.
@Jorence @RamonY1970 If you haven’t watched that scene with the subtitles turned on, do so next time you see it. Trust me.
@ShabbyBean After an hour in Broadmead this afternoon, I’m fairly convinced that there isn’t an “acceptable outdoor wear” list any more!
@hayles Always have a paper book handy to read while your books are syncing :)
@KaveyF Best thing was, they didn’t even have a “sale” sign on. Just chose them because they looked okay; found out £3 price at checkout :)
@KaveyF They are not particularly thrilling. But they are nice and soft and new. http://twitpic.com/4gl8n0
On the plus side, some things have gone well today. I have new M&S pyjamas bought for a bargaintastic £3 :)
@ahnlak Also, it didn’t seem a huge long way. Never that far from home: http://runkeeper.com/use…
@ahnlak I often jog that far. And I don’t get to bring new clothes back from doing that :)
Okay, so, no running today because of the horrible headache. But at least I got out and did 8K of walking to the shops and back…
Damn. Was looking forward to BTP’s quiet garden & fresh air, but plans thwarted by loud Motown and smokers.
@misslo So I guess in the UK it’s a “somewhat controlled” substance ;)
@misslo Yeah, the “behind the counter” meds in the UK are the ones where someone qualified should be making sure you’re not misusing them.
@misslo Odd! They’re about the only thing that touches these occasional headaches I wake up with :(
Right. Off out for a long walk, and to score some pills. Neurofen Plus, to be precise.
@Jorence Only once. That’s why I had to move house, last time. Tip: don’t use them indoors.
@Jorence No. See, mine’s a French knockoff, not a proper Swiss one. On the plus side, it does have an Eiffel Tower attachment.
@Jorence Oh! Goodness. I thought the “car jack” attachment on my knife was just for lifting cars up. Good job I’ve not tried to use it yet.
@Thehappyfatgirl Remember: what you dream in Vegas, stays in Vegas.
Urgh. Might have to skip my weekend run for the first time in ages. Maybe I can go for a long walk instead.
@Jorence No, but you can probably stop yourself coming back. Remember to consider the total mass of what you’re buying…
Ooh, another day, another headache. Great. What *is* wrong with me?