Bed. Bedbedbedbedbed. Now.
Right. #wakingthedead time.
Matthia5Mueller Anybody know of good, affordable #Italian or #baking courses in and around Bristol (not Bordeaux Quay)?
@hayles Ahh. In that case, I’m out of ideas. I’d just do it locally in GIMP/Elements/Pixelmator/whatever. I guess I’m not a web app fan.
@hayles Ah, okay, that’s simpler than what I thought you wanted :) Unfortunately, Picnik was what I was going to suggest.
@hayles Sorry; I generally just use the stitching software that came with one of my cameras.
realMLombard Any1 from Bristol know where we can find him? No gig’s right without him! Help! RT @mshewis: Come on Big Jeff. Where are you hiding today?
@DaveHamilton Camera+.
@Jorence Word. *makes hand motion that is intended to be a bit gangsta but probably just means “cauliflower” in international sign language*
Of all songs, why would you choose “Bette Davis Eyes” to advertise a *hair* product?
@hayles Not yety. But I’m working on ity.
@hayles I have neither. I am carrying a bottle of wine in a homeward direction, though.
I have had a Crabbies. Apparently this makes me one of the cool kids. @Jorence
Heading for the Spring Flickr Walk @ Floating Harbour…