Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

April 22nd, 2011

Goodness. It’s possible I will need a day off to recover from my day off.

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@Ohdoctah Portal 2. Email won’t get you cake.

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*sings* We do what we must because we can…

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Hmm. My iPod just shuffled onto the Clash’s _White Riot_. Nice choice, psychic iPod.

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Taking the slightly longer way home. Mostly because this view is good for you.

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@BlackDogDays …the reason I know he’s that good is because he keeps on dividing the judges!

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@BlackDogDays Thank you! Cloudy summer days are fab for portraits, so I snapped a few earlier :) Hope Tim wins it, though…

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@DrHairbear Oooh, nice! Posher than my beer.

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@ahnlak Incidentally, this is another recommendation for Freeminer’s Gold Miner ale (from t’co-op.) Great summer easy-drinkin’ beer.

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@KaveyF Oh, also: I found a place that sells Go*Do espresso chocolate. If I die of never sleeping again, this is All Your Fault. @ahnlak

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@DigitalJonathan Tell me, exactly how tired are they of Womble jokes?

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@KaveyF @GuPuds Goodness, what am I being roped into here? Oh, Gu puddings? Well, er, rope away.

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@KaveyF I agree, said the amazing social media guru.

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@benjohnbarnes @radeeboi @maverick_mummy It’s just there’s only one-and-a-bit of us, sadly. Hopefully this number will go up soon.

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@R2UK @ahnlak If you don’t want to take the risk next time, you can buy stuff called AquaSafe in pet shops. Should make tap water pond-safe.

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DavidGArnold I vote YES for AV but my second choice is NO

via Mobile Web (retweeted on 6:15 PM, Apr 22nd, 2011 via Echofon)

Finally watching Masterchef. _Tim_ is going do something even crazier than usual, isn’t he?

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@KaveyF That’s me, baby. Just a disco-dancin’, flickerin’, jitterin’ twavatar.

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@arlinelyons I had a feeling that might be what you meant :D

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@ahnlak @R2UK Also, if you hose the water hard into a bucket first, you’ll lose a lot of the chlorine (really!)

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@talkie_tim From inspection: I never do either.

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@arlinelyons You thought I was an avatart? Well, I suppose…

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@EmilyKoch22 I’m glad it’s not just me! @RamonY1970

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@arlinelyons I’m… intrigued. And mildly scared.

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It may be time for (da-da-daaaah!) a change of twavatar.

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@RamonY1970 Thanks for that. I keep forgetting it’s Friday! Feels like Sunday, for no readily apparent reason.

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Well, the light was good. Not so sure about the subject

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Mmm. I be drinkin’ zoider. This middle-class norf-east Lahndan boy appears to be going West Country-native.

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@irkafirka Oooh, just remembered — can you put a print of my one in t’shop? Think I should hang it somewhere!

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Today is a day for sitting under something like this and doing very little.

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@hayles PS: I saw this earlier, and of course thought of you.

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@hayles You might think that. I couldn’t possibly comment. @Thehappyfatgirl

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I wish I could “favourite” this whole conversation I just saw go past in my stream :)

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@johnfbraun Embarrassed to admit that I forgot him. Might have to have another bath later to make up for that ;)

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It just became really good portrait photography weather in Bristol :)

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@mistymaria No idea! Was just wandering past. Saw a bishop from a distance and that was about it :)

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@Squonk @gary8345 Me too, usually. Maybe she was the first day, or something, and I got overexcited. :)

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@ahnlak For some reason, that’s more believable when I’m playing Portal 2.

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Good Friday @ clifton cathedral…

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Right. Off for a nice walk and to grab some lunch.

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I wonder who phoned while I was in the bath? Can’t be anyone who knows how small my flat is, or they’d have given up a lot earlier…

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BristleKRS RT @rupertevelyn: Interviewing chief constable of A&S police. I wonder if he saw the sign? « Perfiroft

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@gary8345 Yes, worked it out in the end. Goodness me, some “present”. I’d have preferred socks.

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Right. I am going to have a very, very long bath. If you haven’t heard from me by Monday, send more bubble bath, a pizza, and a new loofah.

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@hayles I was just about to sue you for libel, but I realised I can’t spell sueing. Suing? Damn.

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@hayles Look, I’m perfectly happy to admit to having Marillion b-sides rated at 5 stars. Do you really think I’d lie about Cheryl Cole?

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@hayles Aaaah! Worked it out. It was part of that iTunes 12 Days of Christmas thingy. DELETEDELETEDELETEDELETE

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@hayles IT WASN”T ME. Someone must have broken into my house and planted it.

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Okay. Forget the riots, and the Royal Wedding. My most pressing question now is: how the HELL did *Cheryl Cole* get into my iTunes library?

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@JonathanTaphous I had wondered what kit you were using! Amazing photos, especially considering the light you were working with. Great stuff

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(Also, due to a random retro playlist choice, the Pet Shop Boy’s _Surburbia_ makes great backing music for them! :D )

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Jonathan Taphouse’s photos of last night’s riot really are exceptional. (via @teacherdude)

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teacherdude Great photos from last night’s riot in , Bristol

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:25 AM, Apr 22nd, 2011 via Echofon)

@simonashley You call it a lack of ability to manipulate time, I call it laziness. Now, I’ve got some Portal 2 to play…

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@simonashley Yes. I expect to see you serving in all the shops I visit, too.

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@nyssapod Are you sure that’s the best reading material when you’re ill? :) *hug*

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RT @djshandy: Stokes croft aftermath - 360 view: <— excellent use of tech!

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pearcafe Tesco, the morning after. Note ‘closing down sale’ graffiti

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EmilyKoch What it doesn’t say here but police told me earlier tonight is that their intel re squa… (cont)

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@mikeotaylor Well, wake me up if it teaches Hotwells. Think it’s my bedtime now.

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