@KaveyF @t_pk @hayles I would hope not. I follow people I find interesting. If they follow me back, that’s cool. If they don’t, that’s cool.
@Dichohecho I will try. The documentation is scary, mind. But I will try.
@hayles WHAT! YOU LOVE MY BLOG!? *melts* *rushes to keyboard* #okaymaybei‘mtakingthepiss
@KaveyF Well, you appear to have decoded my raison d’etre….
@BradleyLaw :) Ta!
@BradleyLaw Hey, I’m always up for learning new stuff. That’s what keeps my brain working.
@BradleyLaw Cool. Will bear that in mind. Always good to learn about new tech :)
@BradleyLaw Ta for your Tumblr comment, btw — if I’d figured out how to comment on Tumblr comments I’d have thanked you there! #oldfogey
@guriben PS: It’s possible I’m incapable of grasping irony at this point, I’m afraid. I’m ill.
@guriben Indeed. Did you not see the dreaded Triangle? http://en.wikipedia.org/…)
@guriben Now *that’s* a bad autospell. You may have just corrected from one of the best to one of the worst TV dramas of all time! @ahnlak
(Also, yes, Windows-and-keyboard-loving people, you have options too. Try http://www.launchy.net/ !)
Incidentally, Mac-and-keyboard-loving-people, if you’ve not tried @alfredapp yet, what on *earth* are you waiting for?
@mhoulden Bwa-ha-*hah*!
So, what next for Flickr Noir? Should I try porting it to Firefox? http://gothick.org.uk/20…
@hayles Better saved than sorry :)
@guriben @ahnlak Triangle? _The_ Triangle? You may have recalibrated your drama sensor wrong, you know…
Hrm. My UPS just told me that I’d lost power. Bristolians, save your work!
Yeeeeees. I’m sure “great post!” followed by 300 links to Polish website is unlikely to be spam. No, really.
@jennifermjones …but having never attempted the tribulations of a PhD, I’ll defer to you on that one!
@jennifermjones Aaah, I see. Still, I guess that might not be a bad thing…
@jennifermjones What’s poster attendance? #amimissingsomething? #sassenach
@ahnlak I refer the honourable gentlemen to my reply to @guriben, just a few minutes ago :) #greatmindsaresarcasticalike
@guriben And CJD and Huntingdon’s and leprosy. And that’s just what I’ve diagnosed myself with *this* episode.
@Ihnatko Does that phrase happen to sound *exactly* like somebody swearing over a stuttery 16kbps connection, perchance?
In other news: while highly entertaining, _House_ may not be the best show to watch when you’re ill.
@escapeivrytower I wish I knew :(
Someone from the medical team I sit next to thinks I should go see a doc. Either I have a chest infection or my cough is *really* annoying.
@DrHairbear @rabidbee Oh, gawd. It’s raining? My lurgy has slowed me down enough to miss the boat :(