Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

April 27th, 2011

@meemalee Skip the first twenty minutes. It gets good once the cooking starts.

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@lahlootea @cliftonmia …but then I’ve always had a bit of a thing for insane people :)

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@lahlootea @cliftonmia Tim. Been thinking so for weeks.

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Bah. Am tired. Even after a ton of days off in a row. Think I’ll head for bed straight after Masterchef, try to be ready to work tomorrow.

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@BlackDogDays Ooopsie. Always more fearful as a pedestrian than a driver there…

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@GreedyRosie Hmmm… Light, expensive, not behind the counter. Hmm. Postal tube full of saffron?

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@johnfbraun I love the way military scammers always think so big :)

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While queueing in Costcutter/Post Office earlier, thought: has anyone ever shoplifted by wrapping goods & posting to seplan

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@Dru_Marland Hah! When I opened the next one along, my cursor added a monocle! Posh fox!

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@adamficek Yeah, but have you got a fiver?

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(Also, they make my favourite truffles EVAH so they can do no wrong.)

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Ah, Charbonnel et Walker bring out the Royal Wedding chocs. To be fair, having a Royal Warrant is a reasonable reason.

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Well, that’s a mini-full of scrap taken to the tip. *mops brow* *pants*

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This afternoon, I have mostly been breaking long planks in half using sokuto fumikomi technique. Years of practice finally become practical!

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@ParkBen That was my impression, too. Maybe they use iframes so they can update the embed code automatically without you having to.

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@ParkBen Cool. I wonder why everywhere’s iframing by default?

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Tweeting from the bath ;)

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@ParkBen I don’t watch a lot of video!

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@ParkBen Ahahahaha! Love the low-gravity bit, too :)

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@ParkBen I believe so, yes. Such is the transient nature of so many things on the internet…

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nyssapod My sister Hannah’s giving up the internet & tv & texting for a month! For Crohn’s & Colitis UK…

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@nyssapod A month? I’d be a wreck within a day.

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@ParkBen …turns a [shortcode] into the perfectly normal YouTube/whatever embed code, I think. So it should work _as_ well as that does.

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@ParkBen I can’t see why it wouldn’t work with mobile. It’s basically just code that

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@ParkBen Strikes me I should have re-read the manual on embedding every time WordPress did a release. I never knew any of this stuff!

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@ParkBen Also, for size with the built-in embed, try this:

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@ParkBen If you’re mostly embedding video, I really would recommend http://www.viper007bond….

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@ParkBen …turns straight into a video! I never knew that!

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@ParkBen Although! Check this out, just the raw URL, pasted into the visual editor (no link):

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@ParkBen No. It doesn’t help that I’m running WordPress Multisite and different sites have different plugins enabled. .com

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@ParkBen My problem is that I’m so stuffed to the gills with plugins that I don’t know what’s doing what any more!

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@ParkBen …technically, I think you should just be able to use a straight link, and if Settings->Media->Auto-embeds is on, should Just Work

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@ParkBen Odd! Well, as I said, I tend to use a plugin for video embeds, so I guess that’s why I didn’t notice. Although…

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@ParkBen Maybe they killed iframe embedding in a recent WordPress update, or something. Od..

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@ParkBen Aaah! Guess has code/plugin to convert the maps link into a special shortcode.

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@ParkBen But I’m not sure I’ve ever embedded a Google map. For video, I generally use the “Viper’s Video Quicktags” plugin…

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@ParkBen Hrm. Looks like YouTube have changed their embed to be iframe, which is buggering up WordPress. Erm.

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@ParkBen Let me know what you’re trying to embed and I can give it a go…

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@ParkBen Plugin doing something odd?

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Just had a “while you were out” card put through the door by Southern Electric. Gee, thanks. I’M RIGHT HERE! *HERE*!

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@csoanes Cute! But I think five minutes with the jigsaw will be cheaper and easier…

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@daycoder My sympathy. And I mean that sincerely; half my day-job is corporate Excel-wrangling.

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@daycoder Use Google Doc’s spreadsheet. That’s a consistent pile of shit everywhere.

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@csoanes Unfortunately the main problem I have needs me to take the windscreen out. Instead, I shall probably saw these planks in half…

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@MediaBen I’m sure it won’t be too much of a trauma, but I may have to saw some long planks of wood in half first!

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So, my main outdoor task for the day — seeing just how much rubbish I can fit in the back of a mini.

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@thomasvenables Still better terms than the council, then?

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@archidave I now have an idea for a series of children’s books featuring Skippie the Rubbish Pixie from Tippieland.

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I have looked outside, and sadly the rubbish fairies didn’t take all the stuff from the backyard to the tip for me last night. Damn.

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ArfurSmith my personal trainer has turned up pissed again.

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@mhoulden If you liked Portal, I can’t see you not liking Portal 2.

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@BlackDogDays A friend just phoned me up to check on me after hearing about an accident in my road. Maybe it was nearer me?

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@bertpalmer I’m frequently incensed in Post Office queues.

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