@tsunimee I will try to take a decent new photo of one this week, in the spirit of the challenge :)
@ahnlak @tsunimee @KaveyF Out of 5,000+ pics in my Flickr stream, look what I chose for Flickr Noir demo this month! http://bit.ly/gL92Ar
@rhodri A bin, some railings, and the roof of a primary school. #basementliving
@ahnlak I imagine that your suspicions may have been first raised by the trifling fact that it is dark, right? Knew I should’ve waited.
@tsunimee Calm down, dear, you’ll give yourself a hernia.
@tsunimee There we go. Goodness, I’m quick. http://www.flickr.com/ph… #notreally
@ahnlak Well, for starters, they are both awesome.
@hayles Aah.
@spicy_sake Is it even in beta yet?
@hayles Is this because the people you know aren’t sensible, or you don’t limit LJ to people you know?
One of the bonuses of not knowing who the heck Adele is, is that I don’t notice her music being overused on TV. #Masterchef #apparently
@ahnlak It’s just you. I asked every WordPress user. And it’s *just you*.
brokenbottleboy “A simple tropical Australian fruit compote…” Tim, nothing is simple with you. I assume it’s flavoured with the soul of a koal#masterchefef
@KaveyF watching Masterchef.
@hayles In the meantime, best plan this week is to find your nearest street party and leave your bags there on Friday.
@hayles There’s AN EXTRA BANK HOLIDAY. I expect collections will return to normal sometime around November.
@Crackerwax Fishnets!
@Crackerwax You’re going to need more skin :)
@archidave @DrHairbear If I had baked bread yesterday, that would most certainly not guarantee any bread being available today #pig
@andybeebristol Well, at least I noticed in time. Lucky I went to add _A Hard Day’s Night_ to my schedule :)
@Crackerwax I was thinking laser hair removal of all but QR shape, then shave head daily. When I die, QR will grow out with epitaph URL.
@andybeebristol What can I say? Box has Freeview+ on it in big letters, but the series didn’t link.
Thank you, BBC, for changing the name to #Masterchef: The Final Three, and thus breaking the series link on my Freeview box. #justnoticed
@Crackerwax No encryption algorithms?
@Chookooloonks Me? Just playin’. http://audioboo.fm/boos/… http://twitpic.com/4pdaya
Audioboo: Down and Out http://boo.fm/b340055 #excerpt #sample #song #songwriting
heatherbray6 In a cafe with a sign that reads ‘Children left unattended will be given a shot of espresso & promised a puppy’
RT @Harkaway: It’s good, but this flan looks a lot like brain. #dessertzombieapocalypse http://moby.to/st3nw8 <— Odd!
@Brays_Cottage *giggle*
RT @arlinelyons: Happy Easter to all. We made 卵の宝袋: eggs poached inside deep-fried tofu pockets. http://bit.ly/ihZwZF ^_^ <— Oooh! Cute.
@arlinelyons Sorry, am monitor dunce. Just had cheap HP widescreen thing left over from PC, so plugged it into Mac.
@Brays_Cottage A good ferret? Well, I think I saw some weasels in aspic in the back of the shop, but I’m not sure about ferrets.
@Brays_Cottage This one! Though Chandos is my usual haunt. #bristol http://twitpic.com/4pc2a7
@Jorence Do you currently have the option of going outside and lying on your back for a bit? #recommended
@Brays_Cottage Will do! I am currently within 50 feet of one of the Delis on the list :)
@andybeebristol It’s okay. I inscribed the correct pentacles on the back first. I THINK… #aaaaarghhhhhcthuluaaaargh
@guriben Makes sound economic sense, given the price of this stuff and the fact I’m drinking it in a field full of free dandelions!
Unexpected Kindle bonus #36: less worrying about squashing dopey bugs by a page-turns on summer grass.
Lunch & Lovecraft. http://twitpic.com/4pblfv
@archidave Do-wop-a-lang-a-lang…
I’m sure that if I go out and have lunch, this will be some lyrics by the time I get back. http://instagr.am/p/DiOw…
Bugger. I think I need another verse. Structure is hard.
Playing about with a song.
@andybeebristol Indeed. I am on an extended staycation — having taken the next three days off, too :D Might venture as far as Clevedon!
@benjohnbarnes CRAZY PERSON.
@rabidbee Guillotine badge?
@ParkBen Record scary demon-possessed voices in advance, then, when she’s back, convince your gf that that’s how she sounds in her sleep.
@weirdoldhattie Good night, then? They look very neatly done, at least.
Awesome Dalek Easter Egg! http://www.flickr.com/ph…
@Dichohecho Bunnies all over my morning Tumblr! This is all your fault.
Heh. Jeff Potter’s publisher, O’Reilly, receives a Very Important Question. http://www.cookingforgee…