@michelledh Never have yet :)
hotdogsladies “Videos Uploaded to Google Video Will Be Removed Next Month”
You stay classy, ‘The Cloud.’
Right. Movie time. And then, hopefully, bed. See you in the morning, all!
@archidave @Swishrelic I mean, there’s (don’t be scared) a few prog rock concept albums in my collection, for example :D
@archidave @Swishrelic I will if I’ve decided to listen to a single album. And there are some albums I won’t shuffle. Depends.
@Mouse_House [d’oh! hit return!] …maybe I’ll just pick whichever’s shorter…
@Mouse_House You make a very good point. Hmm. _Dracula_, or _Slumdog Millionaire_? Maybe I
Oooooh, Margo Timmins. What a voice. #meltymatt
@Swishrelic @archidave Often I’ll go for random from a fairly big subset though. At the mo, random shuffle of “songs added in last 3 months”
@Swishrelic @archidave I don’t like pure random — too much jumping about genres. Like SomaFM for working to; lack of lyrics help me write.
@Mouse_House Oh, I see what you mean! No, I don’t have a way to watch video in the bedroom; was just going to watch, *then* sleep.
@Mouse_House Nah, think I’m going to try something new — have had two out from Lovefilm for ages. Prefer familiar stuff when I’m ill!
@Mouse_House Mmmm. Sounds like a good plan. Will have an early night tonight. Unlike last weekend, have cleverly avoided afternoon caffeine!
@KellySibson Cool, ta.
@archidave I do, however, have a playlist purely for “songs with the word ‘fuck’ in them”…
@archidave @thomasvenables It contains a single podcast. I guess it’s an artefact of me trying to fix podcast syncing one time… Ho hum.
Why do I have a playlist called “F*cking iTunes”? Must be a leftover from previous bug-workarounds…
@Mouse_House Still, have eleven days off starting Good Friday, so that’ll hopefully be good for me!
@Mouse_House I’ve been taking multivitamins since before I got ill… But yes, think I am, in general, a bit run down.
@Mouse_House Yes, thanks :) So am I! Fingers crossed I don’t go down with anything else; have had about four illnesses in a row now :(
@RamonY1970 I can’t remember. There seems to be a hole in my mind.
@RamonY1970 Ah. Sorry, it’s yesterday’s, I think. #timeshift
Hah! The NCIS characters are discussing Stringfellow Hawke. #selfreferential
Yum :) http://instagr.am/p/DNxS…
Glad I had the smoke sensor replaced with a heat sensor at the last fire alarm service. #cooking #steak #cough
@tweeny4 Sweet!
@KaveyF Let’s face it, dear, uniquesentence.com is basically a continuation Quotes File. And you’re in *there* a lot! @ahnlak @stevemarvell
@KaveyF @ahnlak @stevemarvell I’m fairly sure you lot must have at least been adjacent in the Quotes File at some point :)
@ahnlak @KaveyF @stevemarvell Run! Run! From the Hugger Of Doom!
@KaveyF @stevemarvell Anyway. Kavey, Steve; Steve, Kavey. You are both lovely. I suggest you become mortal enemies, for comedy value.
The problem with testing out a beta these days is that because there’s so much cloud synching, your beta can clobber data everywhere else…
@stevemarvell @KaveyF Actually, don’t answer that.
@stevemarvell What kind of a pervert do you think I am?
@stevemarvell This might help: http://www.flickr.com/se… class=”at”>@KaveyFveyF
@KaveyF @stevemarvell Clearly I should have spent a few months on DailyBooth wearing various RGB shades of makeup ;)
@KaveyF Heh. As @stevemarvell points out, if all you’ve got is 200 photos of my face, your colour palette is a tad limited :)
@MichaelLAmbrose Glad it wasn’t just me! @penelopeelse
@penelopeelse Erm. Okaaaaaay. Scared now.
@benjohnbarnes This is only a useful skill for me to have if I can get you to buy stuff for me, rather than for you *mumble*Canon 7D*mumble*
@penelopeelse I don’t even know what one is. I guess that’s a good thing.
@jamesclay Aaaah! County *Durham*! I misheard the original report. Things make a lot more sense now :)
@jamesclay Goodness. You wouldn’t think the East Coast Main Line would be on the way to County Down for many people, would you?
@PTdavelewis No worries. Have half a ton of foodie followers, so I figured you’d get some help :)
Currently switching between OSes that scroll in wildly different ways. My brain hurts.
@PTdavelewis I shall retweet that question so that @KaveyF and @ahnlak, who recently went on a Hobbs House baking course, might see it :)
PTdavelewis Been baking my own bread over the last few months,no machine involved but always turns out a bit ‘heavy/doughy’. Any ideas?
@KaveyF Like I said, if you don’t mind _me_ knowing, send it along and I’ll post it as “anonymous”…
@KaveyF Trouble with a guest account or anonymous submission is that I got drowned in spam and low-quality sentences.
@KaveyF …so I guess it might depend on how anonymous you want to be, and from whom :)
@KaveyF Traditionally, anonymous sentences are posted by emailing them to me! I have an “anonymous” account to post them.
Oooh, crashy crashy. Still, that’s what you get when you sign up for beta programs. Hrm.
@SiDawson I honestly have no idea. Although that’s clearly the UK. Erm.
SiDawson Please. Someone explain this: http://bit.ly/e5idgs
@KaveyF Yes, dear. I shall let him know. But for now, I’ve got to get on and try to clear my inbox, like I should have done a fortnight ago!
Ah. No. Groove Salad _isn’t_ playing something very avant-garde. A @theagilmore track finished downloading and autoplayed into the mix!
@KaveyF It was a random example he did — sure he’s got other algorithms to choose from. He’s not generally a cheetah :)
Heh. My friend Steve built a collage from my @dailybooth photos :) http://twitpic.com/4ljvo3
@Mouse_House No can do. Catching up on important stuff from when I was ill. Lots to do :(
@Mouse_House Just as well, I don’t need any more distractions from my “to do” list today :)
TheDollSays Train guard is loudly announcing the ‘quiet carriage’ rules. Going to staple him to a chair and write the definition of irony on his face.
@Mouse_House Just the kind of dress I like. Apart from the hole. :)
@BinaryDad The t-shirts were eyewatering.
@BinaryDad There were a couple out in Bristol this morning. Tempted to take a political stand against them simply due to their colour scheme
The window dressing is approaching fever pitch. #royalwedding #cliftonvillage http://twitpic.com/4liike
Head shaved, beard (& eyebrows(!)) trimmed. £7. Savy’s, best value for money in Clifton Village#Bristolstol
Waiting @ Savvy’s Barbershop http://instagr.am/p/DNAm…
RT @asic69: Yes, you’re absolutely right, Matt. And also handsome. @bexxi @KaveyF @ahnlak #maynotpreciselyreflecttheviewsoforiginaltweet :D
Chilling for a moment. http://twitpic.com/4lhtby
@ahnlak @asic69 That’s fair enough. I never had any love for it myself, as you might have gathered from my early anti-AIR rant :)
@KaveyF Yeah, absolutely. Which indicates to me that the “RT:” version is likely to have been edited, so if important I should see original.
@ahnlak @asic69 Or, conversely, use the native retweet functionality that guarantees that you haven’t changed the content.
@hayles You are absolutely ‘kin right.
Right. Clifton Village. Haircut. Building Society. Lunch. You know, to-do-ey stuff. Catch you in a bit, folks.
@DigitalJonathan That’s the one. And as I read that, I was listening to _West End Girls_ :)
@KaveyF Doing more “testing” of that waterproof case I reviewed earlier this week :)
After hearing a certain Flight of the Conchords track last weekend, just re-bought Pet Shop Boys’ _Please_ in digital format. Fantastic.
ahnlak @gothick I’m wondering how long it will be before people realise that “cloud” is just a rebranding of “mainframe”
The “cloud” is simply the tech industry’s next attempt to make sure computers can’t keep up with my typing, no matter how fast they become.
@twittl3s Well, I’m out of the bath, if that’s what you mean? :)
@KaveyF Heh. I read your reply using @raegar’s #kintweet from the bath :) Sadly, couldn’t reply, but hey… #waterproof #kindle
Right. I have made my weekend “to do” list. I will now go and have a long bath in preparation for actually doing some of it :)
@Jorence Yeah. And that’s not counting multiple copies of the same OS. I should probably get out more.
@Jorence Hang on, forgot another one. I have an NSLU2 with Unslung on it running as a server, too. Should probably audit myself more often!
@Jorence Oh, and Ubuntu. I forgot a virtual machine.
@Jorence Hmm. I don’t have too many. Although, technically, just in this room, I have two OS Xs, Debian, Windows XP and Window 7. Hrm. #geek
My weight: 17:6.1 stlb. 0:6.1 stlb to go. Weighin’ in. http://withings.com
@Jorence What, it’s beating Debian and RedHat and I’ve never heard of it? Goodness, I really should be paying more attention.
@Jorence Not even heard of it! #behindthetimes
@Jorence Ooh, installed a new OS last night. Must be something in the air this weekend.