Right. Think it might be bedtime. Whether it was the massage, the yard work or the cider, I’m not sure, but I’m ker-nackered.
@BlackDogDays Best car chase EVAH to come, too.
@tsunimee Bloody hell. Well, I’ve never seen or heard of anyone sending or receiving them. Weirdos.
@tsunimee Thank you. *relaxes*.
@tsunimee I CAN’T IGNORE THAT. I’m a GEEK. And you left a bracket unbalanced. You must tweet a ‘[’ immediately.
@tsunimee St George’s Day? Who the heck sent a St George’s Day card?
Hmm. Next time I give any data to Sony, remind me to put some DRM on it first, will you?
@mightymur Well, I personally know some multi-million pound financial managers who haven’t worked it out, so you’re in good company!
@OpinionatedGeek Gotta go with whatever works!
@OpinionatedGeek I’ve been okay as long as I notice my (pronation-controlling) shoes have worn out when they’ve worn out!
@OpinionatedGeek Hope it works! I seem to get a different theory from everyone I go to. #confused
Tonight’s #Masterchef features the kind of restaurant where I’d be wondering if anyone would notice if I nipped to the chip shop instead.
@OpinionatedGeek Does that mean you can cure it?
@ahnlak Seems fine in Bristol. Is there maybe some idiot having a wedding down your way?
@nyssapod Yup. And when it’s dried out, I’ll even get to enjoy it :)
@Jorence Do you really need an answer to that one?
@Jorence “When hungry, eat; when tired, sleep.”
@Jorence It’s worked quite well for me for most of the last five days.
@Jorence As is carefully noted by the -17p saving…
RT @Easybourne: Bargain. telegraph.co.uk/travel/picture… <— it’s the fact that it’s *hand written* that makes this, isn’t it?
@archidave Thank you. It was about bloody time, mind you, but that doesn’t detract from today’s progress much :)
@Crackerwax So far I’ve had five days downtime, and feel very much more human again. If you can, do it!
@Mouse_House 3 times out of 3 today, I have turned on my usually-trusty @BBCRadio4, heard “royal” within 10 secs and turned off again.
I shall now have the bottle of cider I cleverly bought for myself as a reward for getting to this stage.
@Narshada That’s possibly more accurate.
@Narshada I’m a little wary of having “followers”. I’d rather have “listeners”. Or “ignorers”.
@hayles It’s nice, but because it’s a basement it gets very little sun. Limits what I can grow, but is a lovely retreat on hot days.
@jacrats I like it. It’s been lovelier, though. Need to restore some dead plants and maybe repaint in places.
@Narshada I did wonder about confusing my more Whedony listeners :)
@hayles It’s not bad. Though you can judge the postage-stamp-like size of it if I tell you that was taken with a 10mm lens.
Serenity Level One has been restored. Repeat, Serenity Level One has been restored. (“Phew! That’ll do for now!”) http://twitpic.com/4pt3rp
@nyssapod Some of it will be Freecycled, some will be tipped, some will recycled by moi… We’ll see!
@KaveyF On the other hand, with the price of fossil fuel these days, the coal’s probably worth a fair bit, too…
Yard-clearing at the “it’ll get worse before it gets better” stage. http://twitpic.com/4pseo4
@KaveyF I think I’d get some pretty funny looks getting it framed, though :)
@richardjfoster This bag must’ve been here since before I bought the flat, in 1999…
I have now cleared out so much crap I’ve literally struck coal. Coal so old it uses a golliwog in the marketing! http://twitpic.com/4prcyo
@mcgazz So, any idea how many people spend ten minutes watching Terrahawks videos on YouTube when you get retweeted? #ijustdidanyway
@JoeFinder Well, all the *ribbons* have gone already, so the printers should probably be next. *peers at invisibly-printed receipt*
@tsunimee The speed things are going, you may have to wait quite a while.
@rabidbee It is purely the t-shirt, and not the @Infadels who have been relegated to gardening duty. #sadmoment http://twitpic.com/4pqvk1
Also: I am apparently at *that* moment where a once-prized gig t-shirt becomes the clearing-out-the-yard t-shirt.
I will now start the transformation of this junk-heap into somewhere I’d want to spend a summer afternoon. http://twitpic.com/4pqdh4
RT @japanphotos: Shit, big quake! <— Ulp.
Right. Home. Yard clearage.
@GaryJones1960 If I had seen The Full Monty, I might have more of a clue. Still probably wouldn’t, though :)
@thomasvenables I think you may be right.
@RamonY1970 *glares*
@psidnell Depends. Were you the one talking to yourself? *ducks*
So, after lunch, is it yard clearing or web design for my afternoon? Hmm…
@psidnell *looks shifty* *takes rucksack off* Yes! Yes, them too!
Just posted a photo @ Boston Tea Party, Clifton http://instagr.am/p/Dkcz…
Ah, the Post Office. Because every unmoving queue needs shit dance music.
It’s possible a massage isn’t the best preliminary for a day of yard clearing. Maybe I’ll do that tomorrow…
@g_e_r_b Ah, I hadn’t even found that. Back with last.fm. It knows me very well these days, so its “recommendation station” is great.
@Phooto I’m printing a returns note to a shoe shop. Somehow I think dye sublimation is unlikely to improve it :)
@Phooto Damn. That was my clever plan for today, though. Except I’ve not actually done my clearing yet.
@Jorence Oh yes.
I have been swearing at my printer. Turns out they tend to work better if they’re plugged in.
@danfairs I’m back with last.fm. Flirtation over.
@GaryJones1960 Damnit.
@fdr106 Hard to tell, though. I like last.fm’s “recommendations radio”, which works very well. Have switched back after my brief flirtation!
On the downside, while last.fm is awesome, it has just been the one to inform me that Mick Karn is dead. Nooooo. Damn.
@hayles Whereas last.fm has got to the stage where it plays stuff my friends have been telling me I should listen to for ages :D
@hayles But what I really want is last.fm with a Mac app written by the people who did Spotify’s app. So. Much. Prettier.
@hayles I’ve never used it enough to hear an advert or get charged. But I wouldn’t mind paying money if it was good.
@hayles I think I may end up remaining faithful to last.fm.
Okay, flirting briefly with Spotify. Is there a way of making play stuff it thinks I might like?
Geeky peeps: Today’s O’Reilly deal of the day is 50% off Arduino ebooks :) http://oreil.ly/hoGrs4
Morning all. Up early today because I have to go… Hah! For a massage, rather than back to work. #smug #insufferable