Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

April 13th, 2011

@yGns Yup. But either you have to add me as a friend (“gothick”) or DM me your email address :)

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@tsunimee It would be a perfect relationship if only I could train it to clean the bath.

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Gawd, that looks awesome. I’m hungry again now.

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thomasvenables @gothick “C’mon Tim!” not heard that in a while

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 9:36 PM, Apr 13th, 2011 via Twitter for iPhone)

Definitely rooting for Tim now.

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@danfairs Yes, well you wouldn’t expect a phone company to know how to use a telephone, would you?

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@ahnlak @bexxi That was the legitimatest instance of hyperbole the world has ever known!

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@guriben Hah! Would’ve been a much better bet than the standard leather one I had, that crashed my Kindle regularly. And about 100x cheaper!

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I just got an extra free copy of Portal (the original) by pre-buying Portal 2. Any Steam-using followers want me to send them the spare?

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RT @hayles: @gothick… <— Yup, that’s pretty much me at bathtime :)

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@guriben Hah. No, there’s just me, my blog, and my seven readers :)

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@tsunimee One thing you could try is tuning it. Go here (with IE), follow steps, & see if notepad looks better after:

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@tsunimee Shame. Shouldn’t make things that fuzzy, but it depends on the monitor.

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@boagworld Hey, half a tub is progress, right? Well, it would be for me.

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My favourite part of writing that case review was taking this photo, by the way. I love my duck.

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@isaiah “What does that mean?” “I don’t know, but it’s great!”

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@rabidbee @Dichohecho @rbrwr @xabl If I did anything like that, I would inevitably get it wrong and say something very private out loud.

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@KaveyF …but I can’t remember which, and it was again an “only in desperate straits” recommendation.

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@KaveyF I’d generally drink tea if only instant coffee was available. @marcoarment recommended one of the Starbucks ones in recent podcast.

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@tsunimee I *wondered* why they fitted that. It didn’t seem very likely that a fire would break out in the shower.

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@tsunimee @ahnlak Thank you, darling. I’m just worried about this photographer you sent round.

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Bloggity bloggity: review of the waterproof case I just bought:

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@KaveyF @ahnlak What’s that? Sorry, I can’t hear you over this HUGE MONITOR.

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@ahnlak In that case, get 24’ flatscreens instead of 24”. Then @KaveyF will have to learn to pole-vault before she kills you.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to ahnlak

@ahnlak Clearly, if not, this is a good justification for buying matching twin monitors next time :)

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@ahnlak Don’t know! I’ve never had more than one monitor on a PC.

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@ahnlak Being an old Acorn fanboy, I grew up with antialiased fonts in the 1980s :) Windows was a surprising backwards step…

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@ahnlak @tsunimee There’s also a ClearType tuning tool thingy you can download to tailor it to your monitor/eyes.

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@penelopeelse It may just be that a top margin is a bit smaller in Safari for some (valid) reason, but clearing is the “right” fix, I think.

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@penelopeelse Yeah, I from what I remember from looking a clear: left/both on the main content div should do it…

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@tsunimee …my entire office uses Win XP and IE6, with ClearType turned off, and hardly anyone apart from me bothers turning it on.

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@tsunimee I really don’t know! You and me are more sensitive to font smoothing than most people, though…

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@tsunimee It’s turned on by default in Vista and Win 7. Back when XP came out hardly anyone had an LCD monitor so it didn’t matter so much!

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@tsunimee Okay, but we’ll have to do that later; I’m at work at the mo :)

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@tsunimee *giggle* Yeah, that’s probably cause a problem.

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@tsunimee They probably end up in the same place. Desktop right click -> Properties is same as Control Panel -> Display.

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@tsunimee Strange. Just tried it in Windows (turning it on in Control Panel) and seems to work for me. Bah.

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