@danbenjamin The theme tune had been in my head since this, last week: http://bit.ly/fL5nnJ …and had only just gone. Then *you* happened!
@tsunimee No. It’s hard to document things when you’re in size six heels. When you have size nine feet.
@tsunimee I did, once. But not for very long.
@jonhickman For those days when you truly want to scare lambs, presumably…
Aaah, “Mint Source” shower gel. For those days when you truly want to smell like a Polo.
@tsunimee @ahnlak Do you have “Adjust->Color Balance” menu in your PSP? Does it have “advanced”? That’s where you can click on a grey & fix.
@tsunimee To do it after, most software has a white-balance tool thing where you click on something white/grey and it’ll auto-fix the pic.
@tsunimee But whether you can/how you can do this varies per camera.
@tsunimee …or your camera might be able to set a custom white balance automatically by taking a shot of a bit of white paper.
@tsunimee (e.g. it might have a “tungsten” setting for old-school normal lightbulbs.)
@tsunimee To do it in camera, you generally have to tell your camera what kind of lighting you’re using.
@tsunimee You use any particular software to process/edit your photos with?
@hayles That’s because they’re gurus :)
@ahnlak @tsunimee @technex @fluffyhoneybee (Assuming you’re using software where you can click on a neutral colour and have it auto-balance)
@ahnlak @tsunimee @technex @fluffyhoneybee In which case, have something white/neutral grey in the pic, so you can easily white-balance it.
@hayles On the other hand, if _other people_ call them a guru 95% of the time, they’re probably quite smart. It’s just not a good self-claim
@tsunimee @technex @ahnlak @fluffyhoneybee I never noticed it being much of a problem. Which I guess means my answer is a helpful “dunno…”
@hayles It made it to my list after the first 20 or 30 twitter bios of clearly soulless “gurus” who started following me…
It’s no use. I’m going to have to face facts. It’s time. Time. To clean the bathroom. #coverme #imgoingin
My brain is telling me there’s still 12 things on my weekend “to-do” list. My body and soul are telling me to eat snacks and watch NCIS.
@sizemore Well, that makes changing all the profile pictures a much more funny idea :)
@tsunimee I would still prefer fewer inches to kiss. Erm. Oo-er. And I’m sure every <French>centimetre</French> of you is equally lovely.
@hayles “@juliaindelicate: Ha! Less wedding, more beheading http://bit.ly/hobF5y”
@tsunimee Unfortunately, it didn’t work for me, either. #photoweightloss
@hayles My guess? Any bloke whose job paid anywhere over £20/hr. If he gave a toss about his oven’s cleanliness, anyway…
@sizemore Spambot? The ones that sign up on my sites seem to use a lot of valid harvested email addresses.
DigitalJonathan One Hyde Park flat is sold for £136m (or you could have bought 1500 houses in Burnley) gu.com/p/2zfh9/tw via @guardian
@bananza Yeah, slightly blistery instep. Not nice. Amazing how such small defects can cause such grief. Can use old pair for now, though!
Hope I can return these Mizunos to @SimplyRun for an exchange. Never had a bad pair of Wave Inspire before, but these have a lumpy seam. #ow
@mrchrisaddison Hell, yes.
Ouch. New Mizunos seem to have a fault. Think I’m blistering. Damn.
Today, it will be a shortish run to start comfying up my shiny white new Mizunos :) http://twitpic.com/4lymfv
Hrm. Think I might get out for a jog before the sun gets any higher. #scorchio
@HeardinLondon Erm, think that link was broken?
Well done and good luck to everyone running in today’s London Marathon! http://www.bbc.co.uk/new… #getrunning
simonblackwell It hardly seems fair - when my uncle ran round Greenwich dressed as a chicken they sectioned him.