@Jorence @bertyc Not sure when the next walk will be — will try to let you know when I hear anything!
Ooooh. Last evah #wakingthedead.
@Jorence Well, that *was* me re-editing a post. Haven’t noticed any problems at all. Got a plugin conflict, maybe?
@Jorence Erm. I haven’t tried a scheduled post, but the visual editor certainly works. http://twitpic.com/4jpokm
@bertyc @Jorence There’s all sorts of levels. Lots of people who’re just starting out. It’s not all pros with big DSLRs.
@Jorence @bertyc I wasn’t even sure I’d be there. Barely made it back from Swindon yesterday morning.
@Jorence Oy! Oh. Er. *blush* @bertyc There’s nothing scary! Normally a few new people along on every walk. And some of them even come back!
@bertyc @Jorence There’s a bunch of photos from yesterday’s Spring Walk popping up in the Flickr Walks group already :) http://bit.ly/i5j4xA
@RamonY1970 Taking water with you? Also, maybe try slowing down significantly, see whether that helps get over the distance hump.
@RellyAB Drop ‘em an email; they were very, very quick at sorting things out for me when I had a case issue.
@SpreadingJam Thanks, I found article in the end! Gizmodo links seem broken if viewed from UK; even on my PC they redirect to UK homepage.
@bexxi I did some of the more computery articles; barcodes, EDSAC, laser printer, so on. Also wrote 15 bits of the _1001 Inventions_ book :)
@bexxi …but that particular one might be a bit too “in layman’s terms” for science reading comprehension.
@bexxi There are, of course, also entire books along these lines, like this one, partly written by me! :) http://amzn.to/f3LGGr
@SpreadingJam Never mind, I shall just let gizmodo stuff go past without clicking.
@SpreadingJam Thanks! But — bang! Straight to the uk.gizmodo.com front page again. Guess their links are just broken for me (UK? iPhone?)
@SpreadingJam Every gizmo.do link just takes me to the uk.gizmodo.com homepage. Is there a way of getting to the linked article, d’you know?