@hayles Ooooh, and it’s available in Waitrose, according to the website. And I pass Waitrose on the way home tomorrow night… #piepiepiepie
hayles On royalweddingtat.posterous.com - nail varnish, pies (which actually I would like to try) and plastic jewellery that costs over £60
@hayles PIE! Hey, you managed to find Royal Wedding Tat that I might actually want to buy!
@Thehappyfatgirl Heh. My best mate used to swear by Nokias, as they never died, no matter how much angry flinging of them she did :) #bounce
@m1ke_ellis MobileMe does what nobody wants. How the heck am I still paying for it? #idiot
Sometimes, this is all you need to see on Wikipedia to know something’s had some serious trouble. http://twitpic.com/4mjve0
@Mouse_House Close curtains. Open door. Put light on outside room. Wait for fly to exit (approx 1 min.) Close door. Sleep.
@shezza_t Sorry. I’m out.
@rstein @gary8345 “I regret to announce that pies will not be served in the buffet today, as you lot have clearly already eaten them all.”
.@Jorence @bertyc Bristol Flickr Group Summer Walk: http://bit.ly/hH5Dla — but unfortunately I won’t be in town :(
@mattgemmell Wow. That’s a pretty strict style guide they’ve got.
@asic69 Really? I heard those could reach yields up to 20 mega-annoying-ringtones.
Towards Prince Street http://instagram.com/p/D…
Just posted a photo @ SS Great Britain http://instagr.am/p/DRz8…
@asic69 Well, they had this old DeLorean on the pile, and it turned out it was fuelled by plutonium…
@tsunimee Four day week! That helps!
Morning all. Currently enjoying XKCD’s “The Future, According to Google Search Results”: http://xkcd.com/887/