Dan_Martin RT @SkyNewsBreak: Libyan Government spokesman claims a Nato air strike has killed Saif al-Arab Gaddafi, son of Libyan leader.
@Kate_Butler I was just thinking that. Also, “how many times has poking other countries with a stick turned out _well_?”
Paul_Cornell ‘The State of the Art’, my Iain Banks adaptation for BBC Radio 4 can be heard here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/i/h… Yes, even abroad! #fb
@Mouse_House I did wonder. Saw a few vans coming in as I started my jog at about half seven…
And it goes, boom-boody-boom, boody boom, boody boom, boody boom, boody boom, boody boom-boom-boom… http://twitpic.com/4rkups
@benjohnbarnes Well, that’s particularly irritating.
@benjohnbarnes D’oh.
@benjohnbarnes Was the problem definitely today? Apple had gyp with iTunes store for a while last week; nobody could buy anything.
@benjohnbarnes Looks fine in the UK store. http://twitpic.com/4rks2p
@stillawake Ah. That’ll be the pre-club getting ready. Yes, I have had Those Neighbours.
@BlackDogDays OMG! It has an introduction by Israel Regardie! I *must have it*! http://twitpic.com/4rjvsu
@tsunimee Heh. Okay, I’ll just sit here and watch you collapse in a pile of confused tweets :)
@tsunimee This is my normal one! http://www.flickr.com/ph…
@tsunimee It’s only for when I’m jogging.
My GPS watch just got to 25% success in tracking satellites. I’m still indoors. *ducks* *looks up at ceiling, nervously*.
@BlackDogDays He seemed to be asking quite a lot of people to sign him. It was odd.
Haven’t worn a watch this big since the 1980s. And *that* one turned into a spaceship. http://twitpic.com/4rjpuf
(Thanks to @Jorence for the link to @pummelvision, by the way :) )
To celebrate my 300th @dailybooth, I just @pummelvision‘d all my daily photos so far :) http://vimeo.com/23084528
@BlackDogDays I went out very much with a mind to buy none at all. And bought one. Oh well…
“Go build a cabinet!” #drwho
OooooH! Doctor Who! Nearly forgot.
@AndyCarolan @Phooto You have no idea how hard it is… not to do jokes about “touch sensitivity” at this point.
New Flickr photo: “Caption Competition”. http://flic.kr/p/9DfHED <— One of the stranger sights in today’s harbourside market.
@fdr106 Yes, yes they are.
@Jorence I’m going to superglue it to my forehead so I have to headbutt the finish line :)
@Jorence Fab! Ta.
@BristolBites More likely to be one of the bigger boats with an open deck. But they’re pretty cool, too.
@BristolBites :D Emily is one of my favourite Bristol Ferry Co. boats. http://www.flickr.com/ph…
@tsunimee Smashing Mag and Web Designer Depot often do articles with links to sets, e.g. http://bit.ly/l8dvr9 http://bit.ly/l8dvr9
@Jorence Also — Nightrush: http://www.youtube.com/w… Dodgems: http://www.flickr.com/ph…
Monkey-tail beards: http://www.themonkeytail… @Jorence @Nose_in_a_book
codepo8 Interesting story about filming “yellow badge” workers outside the google office: http://bit.ly/mIj8fb
@BlackDogDays If you change your mind, we are very bairn- and buffoon-friendly.
@BlackDogDays We’re in t’Watershed if you fancy a drink.
@Jorence @Nose_in_a_book Watershed it is. Very nearly there. Though slightly distracted by chocolate stall.
Wondering if the guy wearing the Union Jack t-shirt in Millennium Square knows the wedding was yesterday?
@Nose_in_a_book No plans yet. I normally default to Watershed. Any food place ideas, @Jorence?
@OpinionatedGeek Ah, duplicate GUIDs, one of the more oddly philosophical ailments of the modern geek.
@andybeebristol I’m more likely to rig it to shock my heart back out of vfib at the top of Bridge Valley Road!
@mikeotaylor Probably not. But I figured heart rate monitor was worth trying, plus iPhone battery only barely gets through a half marathon!
Might wander down to this harbourside markety thing and get some lunch… @BlackDogDays @Jorence @Nose_in_a_book
@MediaBen No. Oh, how awful. Sorry to hear that.
@stillawake @pearcafe Once ordered a decaf, to have the waitress call over her shoulder, “One coffee! Hold the point!”
@Jorence Oooh! It can see my heartbeat. Magic.
@andybeebristol …what I need to do to make myself run faster has very little to do with running and everything to do with eating less :(
@andybeebristol The heart rate monitor bit is meant to help with speed training. But I’m guessing, overall, no…
@Jorence That’s one of the reasons I bought it! Main one is the heart rate monitor, though. Lots of people tell me that’s handy.
New toy! http://flic.kr/p/9DbKXv
@Thehappyfatgirl It really shouldn’t have been this bad today. Just had insomnia last night for some reason :(
@hayles Morning, cheerful!
@Thehappyfatgirl (a) Lots to do (b) trying to get myself back in sync for Tuesday, otherwise it’s going to be a hell of a struggle!
@Thehappyfatgirl I’m bloody awful at getting *me* out of bed, let alone other people. I just had my shower. My alarm was set for 7AM.
@MediaBen A health and safety inspection, a fireman, or a multi-socket extension?
Woohoo! Parcel. From the most chipper City Link driver I’ve ever met. Nice! #citylink #cheerslove
@manikpixi I’m not too sure about the coke. But yeah, coffee in the afternoon or evening often is not good for my sleep.
Although, look! Got one cool bit of post already today. #bristol #10K http://twitpic.com/4rdg8w
Fairly sure that if I step into the shower, the delivery van I’m waiting for will turn up.
@manikpixi I’m surprised you sleep at all!
Incidentally, the Square of Matt is still going, though I still haven’t done anything to make it prettier yet. http://bit.ly/mbBk6h
@Kanga_Rue Let’s face it, though, it could’ve been worse. I’ve managed to drink the watercolour water instead of the tea before.
@Kanga_Rue HA!
@manikpixi Ah! Yes, it’s only just coming up to 11AM over here… I drink coke at work, but at home it’s coffee or green tea :)
@manikpixi Mmm, normally the coffee is an attempt to cure the grumpiness. Speaking of which… *bounces off to grinder*
Wow. Just hit 300 snaps on @dailybooth. And only 290 of them are me looking grumpy with a coffee in my hand. http://dailybooth.com/go…
@andybeebristol Good move.
@Jorence I’m very creature-of-habit, though. Portway, towpath, longer runs in Leigh Woods or around the Downs. Need to get to Ashton Court!
@Jorence http://bit.ly/lDQ0FO (Though first time it might help to have one of the Leigh Woods maps with you if you don’t know the woods!)
@Jorence It’s fab to be able to do. Gives you access to a lot more cool routes. Try towpath -> Leigh Woods -> Suspension Bridge next! :)
@Jorence Oooh! Well done! #nostalgia I remember my first time… I failed dismally!
Really? Because that seems like quite an odd “route” to take to get to Bristol. #citylink http://twitpic.com/4rcttk
Enjoying listening to @markthomasinfo talking about his “extreme rambling” of the West Bank wall on Radio 4.
My weight: 17:6.4 stlb. 0:6.4 stlb to go. Weighin’ in. http://withings.com