@bananza Only you and your bank manager know the answer to that one…
@matt_fwyalchen Then you are crazy (if you need them [brackets within brackets, that is.])
Hennyway. It might be bedtime, you know.
@bexxi @matt_fwyalchen Yur. Wot U sed.
@bexxi @lahikmajoe Nah. Tweeting about how to deal with errors just before re-tweeting it might, though *grin* *duck* *run away*
@hayles Aaaah.
@hayles I don’t know what either of those things are.
@matt_fwyalchen Although I notice in the Grauniad’s [sic] _Notes and Queries_, it has round brackets throughout: http://bit.ly/ggeeht
@bexxi But I think you should just re-tweet it as-is and rely on us to know that it wasn’t you that made the glaring language error :)
@matt_fwyalchen @bexxi Depends on where you put it, and on your style guide. Typically used in skware [sic] brackets _within) a quote.
@RellyAB It’s extra galling have it pre-downloaded and ready. Just sitting there. Waiting. For permission. Grr.
@bexxi Acknowledge error with (sic)? :) I dunno, really. Always a quandary.
TheDollSays If someone can make money from a jellybean that looks like Kate, I’ll make a fortune with this egg covered in fluff that looks like William.
@majicDave @benjohnbarnes Thank you. Currently deciding whether to try a phased approach or just jump and see what happens :)
Why? Why *would* you? http://chickswithstevebu… (via @tsunimee, @HadoukenUK)
.@twittl3s Ahahhahahahhaha! A quick search confirms that there really is a website for every occasion! http://www.sadtrombone.c…
@twittl3s I think you may have missed the #badumtish hashtag on that one. #gah
@benjohnbarnes @majicDave It’s a leap of faith, though, considering I’ve neither programmed iOS or MacOS, nor had a great idea. Yet :)
@benjohnbarnes @majicDave Keep saying it. This is the kind of motivation I need at this very particular moment in time.
The BBC’ve cancelled #anyquestions because of “the severe travel problems that are happening today”? What did I miss? #parochial
@other_red @BlackDogDays Oooh, I’ve always wanted to be a control group. Maybe I should eat some broccoli and tell myself it’s asparagus.
@BlackDogDays @other_red I avoided buying some tonight for that very classy reason. Though only some people can smell it, apparently!
@matt_fwyalchen I will admit to drooling a little at the sound of that.
RT @andybeebristol: BALLOON! <— What? This one? :) http://twitpic.com/4l73fx
@hayles Ahh, the irritation that is the “idiot plot”. The only thing to do in this situation is to hope the characters are interesting.
Hahaha @ Cornwallis Crescent http://instagr.am/p/DLVh…
@benjohnbarnes Seems promising. If a little odd!
@guriben Cool.
@jbrownridge Shud ub.
@jbrownridge Indeed. That’s the kind of study that might actually convince me to fork out £50. Hmmm.
@guriben Hadn’t even *heard* of that as a treatment before!
Light therapy for hay fever? Is it me, or does this seem quite odd. And a bit witchcrafty… http://www.lumie.com/sho…
@alexjbutcher I will replace mine when it goes the way of all previous ADSL routers and mysteriously dies at random one day…
Bah. I have a crisp craving.
@alexjbutcher Apart from that, though, damn it, it’s fantastic. I always seem to have one or two niggles with any ADSL router I buy…
@alexjbutcher I have a ZyXEL too. Sadly, it doesn’t get an award as it refuses to reconnect for 20 or 30 minutes after a reboot :(
(Sometimes it’s nice just to compliment a bit of technology, rather than moaning about broken ones.)
Mention in dispatches: My 3 Mi-Fi dongle (Huawei E585), has been quietly and reliably connecting me to t’net at lunchtime for months now.
@BlackDogDays Having checked on the web, I’m fairly sure a Sarmiento is a kind of revolutionary Argentinian baguette.
@RamonY1970 @BlackDogDays PS: Sarmiento? How did it get *there* from “sarnie”? Although the Sarmiento does sound like posh baguette.
@RamonY1970 @BlackDogDays They are directly opposite my office, but I have been made lazy by office Sarmiento lady.
@DrHairbear Given the look I’m currently rocking, the more appropriate analogy seems to be Nora Battie.
@MediaBen Never mind. Give them a pat on the head and a tasty treat and I’m sure they’ll forgive you.
Damn. I look like a fat scarecrow that’s been through a tumble drier. #getmeahaircutstat #lettingmyselfgo
@KaveyF Yup.
Morning all! http://twitpic.com/4l0zvd