@jennifermjones I honestly have no idea. But a lot of things are passing me by right now.
@jennifermjones You blocked a thousand people? What point were you making?
@KaveyF Ta.
@benclatworthy I think that is probably good general advice for life.
@benclatworthy I generally try to keep the day-job and Twitter relatively separate. Let’s just say, “an insurer in the city centre” :)
@thomashawk Erm. That’s never happened to me.
@benclatworthy I’m mostly overcompensating for a very dull day-job. This is something I’m hoping to change soon :)
@benclatworthy Cool. And working with the Beeb, I see! Nice. Have done a few minor things for Auntie myself :)
@benclatworthy Thanks :) I’m in Hotwells.
@rabidbee @DrHairbear Yeah, I guess some kind of Twitter-belch. Thanks for letting me know, though. Stwange.
@DrHairbear @rabidbee Well, certainly genuine new follower mail. Which is odd, as the API doesn’t think I unfollowed/refollowed.
@DrHairbear @rabidbee Strange. Maybe something that only affected some protected accounts? Haven’t done anything that would have caused that
@DrHairbear @rabidbee *giggle* Twitter’s outgoing mail server is called ham-cannon.twitter.com :)
@DrHairbear Ta.
Anyone else had any odd requests from me to follow them when I was already following them?
@rabidbee @DrHairbear D’oh. Any chance of a forward that includes the full headers of the original?
@rabidbee @DrHairbear Forward it on to me? gothick at gothick org UK.
@rabidbee @DrHairbear But did it appear to come from me? Chances of my password being compromised are really quite tiny.
@DrHairbear @rabidbee Some kind of odd spam? I’ve not changed anything, or seen any odd requests.
@DrHairbear @rabidbee Odd. According to my records, I’ve been following you at least since my records began, Nov 2009: yfrog.com/h4b74zcj
@rabidbee Huh?
JonathanHaynes Love this story: Woman, 75, cuts off internet in whole of Armenia, with spade. http://bit.ly/hjGBwo
@xabl Hey, grumblingthong.com *is* available. I say go for it.
@xabl I’m fairly sure that’s normally a free service on the internet.
@Juggzy You’re not wrong!
I missed the first half of Masterchef. Who’s the bloke judging who looks like the dad from Family Guy?
@Caremur :( Whatever this is, it really sucks. And it’s about the fourth time I’ve been ill in as many months. #grump
Oooh. Bit lightheaded. Might be something to do with only having had a single sandwich so far today, come to think of it.
Criterion Chris Marker photographed commuters of the Paris Métro for two years, his photos are on display in NY: http://ow.ly/4uz68
@hayles About Face, Clifton Village.
@StJamesPT Thanks. The devil’s in the long-term, mind. Sticking to it for long enough to lose a few stone will take some dedication…
@StJamesPT …plus it pings me an email every week with my progress towards my goal, which is nice.
@StJamesPT Yeah, I’d say so. Seeing that graph trending downwards is definitely good motivation to carry on :)
@StJamesPT Still working well, and am down about five pounds since I started using them. Though it varies a lot, day-to-day. Water, I guess.
@StJamesPT Cool :) My next @Runkeeper target is to get through 100,000 calories burned off — currently at 94,924!
jasonsantamaria Handy: WhatFont, a bookmarklet that tells you what font is being used on text you hover over: j.mp/i8fi73
@danbenjamin Looks gorgeous — do you know how it sounds yet?
@MediaBen There should probably be a rule about that.
@mattgemmell Yes. As someone restricted to a sicksofa on a beautiful day, you can go vicariously write in a café for me.
Sickbed note #947: Being ill significantly increases one’s exposure to bad adverts for personal injury lawyers.
Good. Chest gets all-clear from doc; no infection. Just a bad cold/cough. Swift lunch, then back to the duvet and bad TV combo, I guess.
@tsunimee Luckily, just a bad cold, according to the doc, and not the chest infection I thought it might have been. Still. Bleurrrgh.
@tsunimee I think I’ll get some strange looks on the walk to the doctor’s, though.
@tsunimee Somewhere in there, I think. Can have a look for you later if you can’t see it, but my brain isn’t working very well at the mo.
Right. Off to the doctor.
@tsunimee Sorry, was asleep! Enable “ClearType” somewhere in Control Panel.