@ParkBen I think I have one somewhere. But from what I remember, it has an overseas transaction charge like the debit card has.
@MilliePaw *sigh* I have a terrible feeling that you’re right.
@ParkBen I suppose it’s a possibility. But it would mean getting a credit card.
RT (1 hour ago): @megpickard: We’ve been served a dozen pizzas on the luggage carousel while we wait for a rescue plane. Delicious!
RT (10 hours ago) @megpickard: About to get on my first @AmericanAir flight to Chicago. Hope it’s not too tedious. (…)
Oh, gawd. New #apprentice soon. Will I resist watching, or am I doomed to many weeks of cringe-at-the-tosser fast-forwarding? Hmm.
@mattgemmell Have you done a “The Setup”-style interview, or similar? Would be interested to know what apps are generally below your CCC!
@VeraR2010 Cover me!
@nickbrompton Awww! I didn’t know they were still married in real life :) Sweet. #wikipedia #dempseyandmakepeace
@nickbrompton I can think of better reasons to watch Dempsey and Makepeace. And I’m not thinking of Michael Brandon.
@PrisRosen @mikedunn That’s not to say they won’t have adjusted some for the high veggie content in Bristol, though. I just didn’t check.
@nickbrompton Such fine and dainty edges are hell for the MPEG compression algorithm :)
(Things like this may explain why I’m not that bothered about HD TV.)
Thirty years on, and I *still* love that car smashing through the plate-glass window at the beginning of _The Professionals_.
@CarmaFargo768 Sorry, didn’t understand a word of that.
@mikedunn @PrisRosen If you love Persian, Shiraz is well worth a go. Friendly, fab food. Varies from quiet nights to blaring music evenings!
@mikedunn Clearly you (a) have no tastebuds, or (b) have not tried the Persian sorbet at Shiraz on Hotwell Road #yum @PrisRosen
@EyOki Not for Amazon Web Services, sadly.
@wilshipley Pretty sure Alex Lindsay buys the entire production run.
@murtaugh Makes sense. Clearly the new crowd were attracted by the high standard of swearing at the last event.
@tyronem Good plan. Pour it into the keyboard to teach it not to be so damn aggressive.
@matt_fwyalchen @asic69 @richardjfoster Snuff UFO Stool? I think I saw them play Warwick Union once.
@lukeredpath There is a petition doing the rounds at the moment, from what I remember…
And another $3 monthly AWS bill, plus £1 overseas transaction fee. Let me use Paypal or pay you in pounds, Amazon! Grr!
@asic69 @richardjfoster Damn autocorrect!
@MediaBen Nah, keep trying it, but last.fm’s “recommendations radio” just finds me more cool stuff I’ve not heard before.
@CasJam My Alfred seems to do that just fine. Maybe I’ve set some setting somewhere…
Can’t wait to get @theagilmore’s latest home. Gorgeous boxed CD. She’s covered whole of _John Wesley Harding_ to celebrate Bob’s 70th :)
@doctorow See also Adobe and Lightroom.
@csoanes Have you considered colleague-cancelling headlocks?
@sazzy New iMacs, then…
Damn wisdom teeth. Have to get wiser faster.