@KaveyF Bar/theatre. I saw The Interminable Suicide of Gregory Church(!) http://bit.ly/kr778i
At t’Tobacco Factory.
@asic69 I’m okay with him taking out a superinjunction as long as he writes me a letter in advance telling me what I mustn’t talk about.
@guriben I go to Savys, near the Clifton Sausage.
Depositories. @ Hotwell Road http://instagr.am/p/EoHs…
mrmarksteel I’m at the Bristol Tobacco Factory Wednesday and Thursday, so has anyone a comment on this lovely city built from slavery?
When the feeling moves you, You got it. @ Kin Yip Hon Chinese Supermarket http://instagr.am/p/En3K…
@runnerbeany Oh, I’ve not been! Was just reading about the store changes.
@lahlootea Glad to hear it! I’m okay, though mostly surviving on caffeine today…
(That would make quite a cool video.)
Tool I wish existed: something that could “play back” all changes to a website source code repository, taking a screenshot of each version.
@the3rdgirl Hurrah!
@the3rdgirl What do I do if I want to be on the sexybeards list but aren’t? :D
@AthanSpod No, I think I’ll buy a really good blender. :)
I do like the idea of http://dawdlr.tumblr.com/ — a postcard-based microblogging site :)
@lahlootea Goodness. What happened to the car? You okay?
@Phooto Yes, but a friendly rubber bin with no earth requirement will sell better. #mightactuallydothis
@Phooto Nah, my product will be a really thick rubber dustbin with lid and “SHUT UP” printed in large friendly letters :)
@Phooto Yes, but that does rather penalise the non-antisocial people!
@guriben If I had a clue how to do that with this Blackberry, I would.
(Or: product idea. “The Silencator” mobile phone Faraday cage bucket for offices.)
Website idea: wiki of how to silence mobile phone X. For those times when colleagues go to all-morning meetings leaving their phone on desk!
@Narshada Mornin’!
Pockless @gothick The superhero with awesome powers to excuse anybody for lateness. I overslept - Call Baristaman!”
@Pockless As superpowers go, I think that’s more practical than most :)
George from Baristas is writing a note on my cup, excusing me for being late for work :)
Tables @ Mackenzies http://instagr.am/p/EnPr…
other_red Just seen a guy who looks like he wants to be in The Strokes. Dude, not even The Strokes look like they want to be in The Strokes.
Unsettled sky. @ Floating Harbour http://instagr.am/p/EnOd…
So you ring for service in Apple stores now? Excellent, that’s far more British than that whole “no queueing” thing they used to do. #Jeeves
Downloading _Born This Way_. Should be good for running to :) #gaga
@nineweeks @bertyc @Jorence @bindymedia @nancyflowers @20thCFlicks No, I was mostly working. In a good way, mind, but working nonetheless.
@bobscape (Also, it’s been a couple of years since I used it. But it worked fairly well for me then.)
@bobscape http://warrick.cs.odu.ed… <— Requires reasonable geekiness.
@pjakobs Look how pretty the world could be :) http://ashleymcurtin.tum…