Beddibyes time. Night all.
@KaveyF Will you marry me?
@KaveyF And chef de harem.
Six months? Saw Pete Doherty just in time, it turns out.
Tip: If your emails are in English, don’t have your “unsubscribe” web page in another language. I’m looking at you, Ski France.
@hayles You should have put it in a box. Oh, wait. Er.
@stillawake @hayles… <— FOR AN HOUR.
Audioboo: Annoying #annoying #bus #girl #journey
@Thehappyfatgirl I don’t know what you meeeeow.
@stillawake I do swear a lot at the automated call menus, but I clean up my act for the human beings.
@stillawake @hayles One was so inane and irritating I recorded it just to give myself something to do. Maybe I’ll publish it one day.
@Thehappyfatgirl *picks up huge stirry spoon* *runs away*
@Thehappyfatgirl What are we voting for? A selection of alternative boys?
Baltic Wharf @ Floating Harbour…
@mikedunn Objection!
@bexxi Lucky you!
@KaveyF You filled in “insane” as your religion on the census, didn’t you?
@bexxi my friend is an enumerator for the Brit census, but they only go out to mop up if a form’s not come back.
EmilyKoch Bristol people avoid a37 wells rd outbound at all costs, bad accident at 3 lamps junction with bath rd.
@mikeotaylor Sure they’ll get around to it. With this app, I’m guessing it’s the infrastructure that’s the complicated bit.
@bexxi Heh. Freudian slip?
Southern Electric now has an iPhone app that lets you submit a meter reading. That’s quite cute.
.@benjohnbarnes It is, in fact, a titanium artificial hip, though it evokes “TARDIS loo-flushing handle” for me :)
@KaveyF Do it through a nice third party who’ll manage it for you. Maybe investigate’s free plan? Full-on, but friendly.
It’s very hip around here right now!…
Meet the X-Muppets :) #meep http://dogandponyshowweb…
The problem with books on how to focus are that the people who need them most tend to skim-read them while checking Twitter. #whome
Enjoying @Easybourne’s epic #ff today!
@aniseedman I’m still failing to songwrite and feeling bad about it :( Still fine with lyrics and bad with music!
@guriben Check!…
@BlackDogDays Thank you! Mornin’!
#commutergraphy @ Floating Harbour…
@RamonY1970 Aww. Merci! Though this particular fine folk is shivering a bit in his cold dark flat and drinking very strong coffee right now.