Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

May 25th, 2011

RT @taptaptap: Camera+ is on sale for 3 days to celebrate The Heist going to #1! <— Really good iPhone camera app.

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@matt_fwyalchen That’s perfectly all right. Not sure your leg warmers go with the shoulder pads, though, if I’m honest.

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@hayles (Suits you, by the way :) )

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Snap from this morning’s walk to work: One.

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@Dichohecho I can see new stuff, but when I first start my client, it’s empty. Ah well.

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@penelopeelse But who knows. I liked Madonna when I was a kid, too.

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@penelopeelse It was live performance of Paparazzi at the MTV awards that made me start to pay attention (really!)

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@hayles Yeah. “Computery things” is my version.

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@BlackDogDays That is because Fraggles are cooler than Cliftonwood. Rah!

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@BlackDogDays Are you saying that Fraggles aren’t cool!?

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I have to say, while I prefer running, cycling 10K is a lot quicker :)…

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On the plus side, it’s about time I got my money’s worth out of both the processor cores. And my flat needed warming up anyway.

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iMovie’s “time remaining” for importing this video: 3 hours. And if I use it at all, it’ll be condensed down to about two minutes. D’oh.

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ShearmanRobert Since I arrived at Terminal 1 I’ve bought 3 shortbread tins, put on a stone, and may have got engaged to a Dutch woman.

via Mobile Web (retweeted on 8:08 PM, May 25th, 2011 via Echofon)

@BlackDogDays Don’t people pay good money for that look these days?

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Much as I like Tweetbot, who wants to snap a picture and thinks “media from camera”?

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@RamonY1970 I might go out on the bike tonight, just to see if it and I still work :)

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@mikedunn Yes. If you like the Mighty apart from the stupid trackball, I think the Magic will be a good choice.

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@mikedunn Yeah, they really know how to set a price point to make you have to think quite hard about it, don’t they?

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@runnerbeany Redcliffe Bridge, Queen Square.

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@johnmcg Are you kidding? They’ll be far more riled up than they would be about minor matters, like football, or democracy.

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Will we get our zebra crossing back? Current rule: drivers stop for people, except when they don’t.…

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@twittl3s Not only is that a brilliant hashtag, it’s also a great name for a brand.

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@hayles Smoke is probably more excusable, being addictive and heavily marketed.

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@the3rdgirl Sounds like a job for the fire brigade!

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chrisphin Shhh, xkcd; you’re ruining it for everyone.

via Twitterrific (retweeted on 7:46 AM, May 25th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)

On the plus side, lunch with one of my favourite people today. Now, I and my headache must go have a shower so we can get to work early.

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@RamonY1970 @Jorence And you can *wax* for that? Sounds painful! (Remington. That’s all I’m saying.)

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@hayles Aww. I don’t think cough medicine goes off. Or if it does, I’m living proof that it doesn’t kill you.

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@Jorence I am also tired, headachey, grumpy. I have no training programme. And I have no idea if my nostrils need waxing. Bah.

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