Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

May 19th, 2011

@rjs Please also go and tell the developers of bloody Outlook that that rule should go for meeting request emails, too. Grr.

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Okay, it’s bedtime. I didn’t have enough change at work to buy caffeinated drinks all day like usual, so I think I might sleep well :)

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@mikeotaylor That one really is for hardcore geeks, and slightly weird hardcore geeks, to boot. I need a hashtag for that.

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I have written up my attempts to generate a Lorenz Attractor fractal in-browser using pure XSLT. http://xslorenz.gothick….

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@jesspants Knowing my levels of self-control, you’ll know very soon. I definitely like the Mary Jane :)

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@Jorence Jesus. You need more than hot chocolate for that.

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@runnerbeany And as @Jorence says, little steps, and slow down. You can think about getting faster once you can make it to the top once :)

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@runnerbeany @Jorence You’ll be surprised how well you do. Most hills I failed first time on I managed second time.

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@ahnlak I would probably have assumed that was gone :)

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@guriben “”? Although technically that would be a URL-lengthening service, I guess.

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@Jorence @runnerbeany Yup. And do it lots. I *try* to do a big hill every weekend (usually Bridge Valley Road…)

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@stillawake @Nose_in_a_book Oooh, controversy. I like @richardjfoster’s suggestion (of using multidirectional smilies (:) )

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@archidave I think at the time we were both a bit distracted by the apparently-unconscious pavement sunbather by Graze…

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mattgemmell Next up from Ryan Sarver: third-party Twitter clients must request auth tokens by mail, enclosing a prepaid envelope.

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 7:20 PM, May 19th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@juliasegal Didn’t they each end up doing a pretty good version of the other’s song?

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There ought to be a URL shortener specially for Daily Mail links, so I know in advance. I wonder if “justdo.nt” is available.

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@ahnlak Here’s what lies that way:: madness.

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@hayles Have you really drained an iDon’tWantAnySpam 4 in 12 hours?

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Can we all agree that a smiley closes all opening brackets? (Like a superbracket in LISP. :)

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@Mouse_House Well, you said you’d give most things a try! :) Recommending it because I thought it was awesome, though.

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@Mouse_House Hrm. Okay, then: Perdido Street Station, by China Mievielle.

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@aniseedman Aha…*subscribes to blog*

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@aniseedman Oooh. Did you have a website before? *goes and looks*

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“analyzation”?! Gah.

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@rbrwr @bertpalmer I dare say there’s a checkbox to select the alternative action of not turning it off buried somewhere in the FB settings.

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@MediaBen Well, his wife’s in charge of the dog. I don’t think anyone would come to harm if he dropped off ;)

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@TippyTLawton My bus stop works because it’s a ferry stop. No traffic, friendly people, half the price of the bus. :D

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This is my morning “bus stop”. I really am lucky.

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Happy birthday, @bexxi!

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@mhoulden Ooh, ta. WIll have to see if I can squeeze a trip in, but I’m playing catch-up with household stuff after the 10K last weekend!

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