@MatStace I enjoyed when listened to it. But that was between the ages of 7 and 17…
twitterapi Site stability issues - We are currently experiencing site stability issues. We are working to resolve them… tumblr.com/xnr2gu5d9j
@tsunimee Pass!
@guriben I have chosen The Matrix. At least until the kung fu training scene.
“You seem to be screwing up your Mac version’s user interface. Would you like some help with that?” #skype #microsoft
@thomasvenables Yeah, I saw it on the actual News at Ten, so it’s probably true :)
@ahnlak Well, I don’t think they could make the new Mac interface any worse, at least.
@MediaBen Curses. No Twoucher for me.
Microsoft have bought Skype? Hmm.
@MediaBen I’d hazard a guess at Victorinox?
@NeilCrosby @philsherry *snigger*
@Sam_Currie I’m only coping by watching the twitter sarcasm at the same time. It’s some kind of terrible addiction :/
@missmcq Not bad. All a bit up and down at the mo, but I think heading in the right direction. You?
@Sam_Currie Presumably so you can compare the contestants with two short planks?
@BlackDogDays Well, we’re already paying to watch a freak show :/
@BlackDogDays That was me, and I’m sad to have my suspicions confirmed so well so far.
@missmcq Hello beautiful! Sorry, *so* owe you an email #guilty #rubbishfriend
@BlackDogDays Straight from Twatfordshire.
@aniseedman It’s terrifying. I have no idea why I watch.
@aniseedman Oooh, sorry, owe you a message, don’t I? Been in a team-building course all day so my brain’s melted! Hi!
@mikedunn I wouldn’t risk it until you work out what an orange is, at least.
@mrchrisaddison Run. Save yourself. #apprentice
@laurenlaverne Confirmed.
@mikedunn I’m fairly sure you can’t pick up that kind of talent while you still have a soul.
@SarahArcher15 The people that end up on this show make me ashamed of my current species. #apprentice
@ahnlak I may not be able to stand it this time around. Just when I thought they couldn’t turn the inhuman wanker dial up any further…
@lollypopstar It’s a Greek spinach pie and it’s lovely :) It was @pearcafe I heard about it through :) #Σπανακόπιτα #spanakopita
Oh, feck. I’m actually going to watch, aren’t I? Send in the clowns. #apprentice #noselfcontrol
@g_e_r_b That’s gotta hurt.
@foodwinediarist There’s only me here, so I reduced the quantities and had half of it. Hopefully the other half will be good tomorrow!
@Dichohecho Yup, will be very similar. Especially if yummy :)
@pearcafe Thanks for roping me in! Was a good end to a trying day :)
Not bad for a first attempt, even if I do say so myself. #nom #spanakopita #lasttweethonest http://flic.kr/p/9GmqBp
@Nose_in_a_book I have seen at least one blog post on how to reverse most of the UI changes. If you can’t find it I can try to dig it up?
@Dichohecho Spinach and cheese pie. Greek, lovely, and currently being consumed :)
Thanks all! Fab idea! #spanakopita http://twitpic.com/4vz6z7
@IreneB9 Spinach and cheese pie. Just out of the oven; “finished” photo to follow :)
Better quality #spanakopita photos up! http://www.flickr.com/ph… :)
@foodwinediarist I’ll know in about twenty minutes :) #spanakopita
@foodwinediarist Good to know. I’m a beginner at this cooking lark. But my parents live in Crete, so #spanakopita is hard to resist!
I think I may have over-buttered. Still, never done filo before. First time for everything! #spanakopita
Okay. Small #spanakopita in the oven. *crosses fingers*
@JButtitta Cool, I just made a wild guess and went with it :) Just the kind of thing that stall a novice cook, is all!
@JButtitta Where I understand you have handy packs, pre-measured in tablespoon sizes :) Ours are pre-measured at 50 grams!
Oven-ready! #spanakopita http://twitpic.com/4vynty
Buttering. #spanakopita http://twitpic.com/4vyke6
@richardjfoster Well, it would need to be, what with it being REALLY HARD TO GET BUTTER INTO A TABLESPOON. :)
Who the hell measures butter in tablespoons? #spanakopita
Attempting to mix cheese and eggs. Cheese possibly a little on the hard side. Helping with potato masher :) #spanakopita
@foodwinediarist Yup, ta, all is now a lot smaller :) #spanakopita
Hope the spinach I’ve added so far will get small enough for me to add the rest at some point :) #spanakopita
Getting dicey. #spanakopita http://twitpic.com/4vy79g
Reading recipe in light of slightly improvised ingredients and changed quantities :) #spanakopita #wingingit
@foodwinediarist @guriben @pearcafe Well, we’re about to find out! *prints recipe*
@foodwinediarist @guriben @pearcafe I’m just going to have to go with what I’ve got and hope for the best :)
@hayles Only if you’re prepared to cover 10% of the losses.
@hayles Sounds like a combination kebab house and fetish club to me.
@hayles I think only you can tell us that.
What can I substitute for the soft ewe’s cheese in the #spanakopita, I wonder..?
Anyone want to be on “Come Dine With Me”? #Bristol http://twitpic.com/4vsgjg
Scaffold. @ Lloyds Amphitheatre http://instagr.am/p/EFCm…
@bexxi Recognise it, yes, but sounds a bit old-fashioned.