Where was I? Oh, yes, going to bed AN HOUR AGO. Gawd, I’m rubbish.
@maverick_mummy Not that I recall.
Audioboo: Still fiddling with this. Still don’t know what to do with it. http://boo.fm/b370920
@maverick_mummy Nah. Must’ve been something healthy I ate. My body probably hasn’t recognised it as food.
Ugh. Not feeling too brilliant. Think I shall head for bed and see if whatever it is is cured by sleep.
@shezza_t Of all the BBC videos to have no sound!
@archidave Waving jars of vinegar and shaking dill at them can scare them off, I hear.
Seriously, I leave the news alone for a couple of days and *these* are the headlines I come back to? http://twitpic.com/54aa8e
Tiiiired. But flat not even half tidied yet. Bugger.
adamps Wonderful eBay listing: “My ex Brother-in-Law’s shit record collection” http://cop.st/mnVNeO via @girlgeeks HT @MrSamJohnstone
RT @talkie_tim: Have just been informed that taking a photo of a church is an abomination in the eyes of god. <- Bad news for wedding ‘togs!
Right. Bathtime. With Interzone. I may be a while. Then lots of tidying up of messy flat.
@Mouse_House I’ll let you off, then :)
Friday’s wedding band were @likethebeatles and they were FAB! http://www.flickr.com/ph…
@Mouse_House Ooopsie. Well, glad you’re not hungover. And still alive. #alwaysreadthelabel #thenmaybedowhatitsaysdammit
@Mouse_House Bloody youngsters. Mine can last two or three days now.