So, the TARDIS interior is long series of hexagonal corridors? I wonder if they built the set from leftovers. #blakes7 #drwho
@Jorence @emmafurious Ha!
@emmafurious That’s even more impressive! Well done!
Official #bristol10k time: 1:11:15. Good enough for this year!
@emmafurious Awesome!
@lollypopstar @foodwinediarist @whiteshutters @pearcafe Looking good!
@ParkBen I reckon we’ll see them developing it on next week’s _Apprentice_.
@ParkBen Hmm. “Neuro”? As in “if you’re not that smart, you’ll probably want to drink this”?
@domwakeling Sucky. So sign up for a laugh and don’t worry if it takes you three hours! Or some middle ground…
@ParkBen Nah. That’s a conditioner, surely? Or maybe a fabric softener.
@zoetw It was bloody marvellous. And I shall say no more.
@ShabbyBean Sometimes, it’s about trusting your instincts. Bon appetit :)
@domwakeling Well, being signed up for something is good motivation for training :)
@domwakeling Though if you’re my speed, it can be a bit disconcerting being lapped by the race leader somewhere around mile 5 :)
@domwakeling It’s a nice flat two-lap race and it’s got lots if cheering people and music. Recommended.
@hayles @CliftonBristol (And is also why I’m thinking of buying new lens instead of new camera — glass is more important than the sensor!)
@CliftonBristol Cool, thanks :) I’m mostly shooting 400D + EFS 17-55 f/2.8 IS, which helps a lot.
@hayles @CliftonBristol Well, most of those Flickr shots were taken with an outdated 400D :D
@domwakeling Heh. If it’s any help, the Bath Half is probably the classiest. You only have to wait until March :)
@domwakeling (…although one of those is for karate, not running!)
@domwakeling I’ve clearly been lucky! Even silly 5Ks I’ve done have had metal medals. Have good collection now!
@domwakeling They probably do. I shall add that to my “motivation” list. In about five years, I’ll have enough good reasons for a marathon!
@domwakeling Well, it’s certainly a biggie. But I’ve not done any small races; I’ve got a nice medal from all of them :)
@domwakeling Ta! Was fun. Seemed over quite quickly after the two half marathons since the last 10K!
@rhodri 1960s Brutalist summer house?
@ruskin147 Amazon, maybe? Almost always less painful than attempting to buy Adobe products from Adobe.
@jesspants Thanks, hon!
Fairly sure the archaeologists on _Time Team_ once attended Unseen University.
@hayles @CliftonBristol *Nods sagely*. *Tries to appear calm* *Blows it by drooling frustratedly over 600D* Damn it. I want one.
paul_clarke On borrowed phone… #tudorpull went a bit wrong. Swamped. Nearly sank. Phone & *camera* dead :(((
@PaulPettet It’s a Mac I’m using it on.
@matt_fwyalchen They’re trained by detergent companies.
@PaulPettet It’s worth a go, certainly. Download the latest from Garmin, though.
@ahnlak The 10k and half marathon courses stick mostly by the water for unusual Bristolian flatness :)
@PaulPettet Yup. Training Center for the Forerunner 305.
@DrHairbear Yup, see if I can beat last year’s time on that one!
Anyway. Yes. Bath. Book. See you in an hour or so, peeps.
@JamesCookSG Quite cheap and reliable for that, especially as it’s a GPS, too. But there are cheaper non-GPS options from Garmin & Polar.
@JamesCookSG …but mostly I use RunKeeper, which does similar graphs from its iPhone/Android app. Mostly use the Garmin for heart rate.
@JamesCookSG It’s a Garmin Forerunner 305. Uploads to RunKeeper, too, including the heart rate, which is quite cool.
Right. I think it may be time for a Very Long Bath.
@reality_cave Well done!
@shezza_t Thanks! All done :)
@BradleyLaw Ta :)
Rocotillos’ Crunchie Bar and Honey milkshake is a far better post-#bristol10k recovery drink than any of that sports crap :) #sugarrush
“Mr. Consistent”, they call me. #bristol10k
@RamonY1970 :D Fab! Glad you enjoyed it!
Thanks all! Think I was slower than last year, but only by a minute. #bristol10k
Outside Rocotillos with friends and cute dog :) #bristol10k Come say hi!
Sorted. #bristol10k :)…
Queue for the start of the #bristol10k @ College Green…
@helencave Thanks!
#bristol10k needs a toilet queue cam :)
@42lbstolose thanks!
@MediaBen Thanks! Heading out now :)
@Hewbs Absolutely not. Finding someone slightly faster than your natural pace who looks good from behind is a valid tactic :) #bristol10k
@arlinelyons Thanks!
Hmmph. Suppose I’ll just have to accept that I look a bit fatter this year. Unless William Shatner wants to lend me a corset. Hmph.
@twittl3s Thanks!
@andybeebristol Thanks! Personally, I’m thinking of this less of a race and more as a brisk stroll before coffee :) #bristol10k
Right. Just about ready, then. #bristol10k
@runnerbeany Sure you won’t need it. I’m a paranoid bald bloke with very fair skin.
I have taken hay-fever pill and put on sunscreen. That should guarantee unexpected mild drizzle all the way round. #bristol10k
@runnerbeany I prefer to think of it more as a space-age fashion accessory :)
@Phooto Thanks!
“Does this running top make me look fat?” “No, your fat makes you look fat. Your running top makes you look red.” #buffy #paraphrase
@jamesclay Thanks! Sure I will!
Last year I spent most of Saturday crafting a brilliant 10K playlist for my iPod. Then nattered to a mate all way round instead! #bristol10k
@runnerbeany Best thing about running: no matter when you come in, you still get a big medal and a t-shirt :D
Aiming to beat last year’s time of 1:9:28. Which should be possible, even if I’ve put on a bit of weight since then :) #bristol10k
@Jorence Hurrah!
For anyone who wants to see a dot crawling slowly around a map of Bristol from 9:45, I’ll be using RunKeeper Live :)
@Jorence @RamonY1970 @emmafurious Oooh, is it sunny now? *peers blearily out of window* Excellent!
@Jorence Mornin’!
*yawns* *stretches* Should have a shower at some point. It’s handy living 20 minutes’ walk from the start line #bristol10k #slowmorning
Come on, weather! Warm up a bit. Otherwise I’m going to shivering when I get out the door for the #bristol10k :)
@VeraR2010 Ta!