@jacrats An attribute it shares with virtually every surface in my flat :( This was clear this morning!…
Oh, Internet Explorer, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. There, that didn’t take long, did it.
@AndyCarolan I had one just this morning. Like an After Eight from a parallel dimension!
@AndyCarolan (All done by post!)
@AndyCarolan Nor did I :) It was part of an cultural exchange for some Cadbury’s mini-eggs :)
@misslo Woooo! *applauds* @getrunningapp
misslo I didn’t come in last. 38.04!! #c25k #getrunning @PanCAN @PanCANManhattan #gologo #thankyouall…
#geek I have cleaned a lot of code today. And made things prettier. And cut down on repeating myself. Think it may be time to watch _House_.
@AndyCarolan Mine came from Minneapolis :D
@AndyCarolan I might just cut to the chase.
I feel the need. The need for… toast. #notreallyaspeedperson
@scottejames I don’t know what you mean. There were a very nice pair of eggs, though…
@ahnlak No, different server.
@ahnlak A big programmer did it and ran away.
Hrm. Where did the server I was using go?
@misslo Have a fab day!
Post-run breakfast :)…
@MickDickinson Sea Wall is always a bit gusty, today I nearly got blown back the way I came :)
@RamonY1970 Time to catch us up, then :)
Debbie Harry quite fab on Desert Island Discs right now.
Finally, the morning coffee. This is what motivates me to go out for my weekend runs :)
@MickDickinson That’s why I take it very slowly. Still, feels like an achievement when you get tot the top :)
@Jorence Today, it was tough, because I nearly got blown back the way I came. But on a non-gale-force day, it’s pretty nice!
(Although it was nice to plod up Bridge Valley Road for the first time in a while…)
Simple slow jog this morning.
@Phooto Thanks, but will be staying closer to home today — lots to do.
Wow. It is WINDY in #Bristol today. If you’re going for a picnic, take your heaviest cake.