Roight. Bedtime. Good luck to everyone in the #Bristol10K tomorrow! Sleep well :)
@JamesCookSG @WL_SRUMSEY_LFC Cool. Good luck!
@JamesCookSG I will be bringing up the rear. Last year I managed 1:09:28, and I doubt I’ll be much faster this time around :)
Think I’m about ready. #bristol10k #howmuchcrap?…
@emmafurious @Jorence Anyway. That’s where I’ll be heading because Mike always buys me a milkshake after a Bristol race. #freeshake #win
@emmafurious @Jorence Rocotillos is normally so packed with runners it’s hard to get a seat. Think they’re used to it!
@emmafurious @Jorence It’s amazing how short Park St seems when there’s a Crunchie Bar and honey milkshake with your name on it at the top!
@iandeeming That sounds like an occasion worth keeping a baseball bat around for.
@RamonY1970 @Jorence If I miss you at the start, will probably be in Rocotillos about a half hour after the finish :) #milkshake #tradition
Nice one, Mr. Gaiman. #drwho
@crookedfootball Consider going to the pub and seeing if it’s working when you get back. A useful troubleshooting tool, in my experience.
Narshada Saw a woman today who’d drawn her eyebrows so high up her forehead, I wasn’t sure who looked more surprised, me or her.
@crookedfootball Odd. Only thing I’d try before troubleshooting gets more complicated than 140 characters is a different browser :)
@crookedfootball Do you get any particular error?
@crookedfootball Hmm. DNS, routing or firewall problem, then, I guess. Erm. Have you tried turning it off and on again? #sorry
@crookedfootball That is working just fine for me. Can you see the info page at for that link? i.e.
@crookedfootball Do you have an example of one that doesn’t work?
@CoreStrengthUK Thanks!
@BlackDogDays Presumably, next year, they’ll clean the pole…
@the3rdgirl I really should get around to watching it, shouldn’t I?
@johnfbraun Helium’s a good plan, but I feel that my high-pitched squeal of triumph on crossing the finish line may give the game away.
@johnfbraun I reckon I can reduce my drag coefficient by 0.2 just by trimming the beard.
@BlackDogDays Huh? DId one go missing?
Win! The pot I bought on a rough guess and a hope today fits the plant I’ve had in my kitchen for weeks :)…
Purty. @ Royal York Crescent…
Streamlined for the morning :)…
@RamonY1970 @emmafurious @Jorence Also, you’ll be surrounded by qualified medics. Probably safe than staying at home!
@RamonY1970 Think I was a smidge under 17 stone for last year’s. And Mike who ran with me had a chest infection! No probs :)
Waiting in t’barbershop. Want to be streamlined for the 10K tomorrow :)
So, hours of pneumatic drilling starting before 8am on a Saturday were to install _one bike stand_? #Bristol…
Trying to send back my Sennheisers for repair. They sound great, but the remote control has died :(
@hayles *sympathy* Here, have a virtual cup of tea.
@Swishrelic Presumably you’ve had it professionally searched for footballs?
Audioboo: The peaceful sounds of my lounge this morning :( #bristol #pneumaticdrill
@emmafurious @RamonY1970 @Jorence Here’s my race blog from last year — might give you a flavour of tomorrow…
@emmafurious @RamonY1970 @Jorence Sure you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how well it goes. I was for my first, which was last year’s 10K!
@RamonY1970 @emmafurious @Jorence …only thing that’ll bother me is if it’s chucking it down. *crosses fingers for good weather*
@RamonY1970 @emmafurious @Jorence Feeling fine. Sure I’ll get round as the Bath Half wasn’t long ago! Just want to enjoy the day :D
RellaC I need a glass of water. But more importantly, I need a butler.
@chris_j_hughes At earlier than 8AM. #bah
@boagworld Well, personally I have help today from the emergency roadworks directly outside my window. :( But I know what you mean.
Oh, a pneumatic drill in the street outside. Ideal working conditions. #gah