Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

May 16th, 2011

I think it may be bedtime, you know.

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@MizzWorthy What, the way you’re not allowed to smack random people around the head when you feel like that? Yes. Horrible. :)

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@MizzWorthy I know the feeling well, but it generally only hits me when I’m out and about.

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@MizzWorthy Nah. An annoyance shared is an annoyance doubled, as they say :D

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@stillawake Don’t be! No idea when I last checked *my* camera’s time…

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@stillawake @Jorence Ah! That might help me narrow it down :) *pulls out slide rule* *mumbles*

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@zen_habits Cool. As after I worked out the timezones, “tonight” means 2am for me :)

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@stillawake Not that I can see. But there are an awful lot of blokes wearing red tops in the photos! Hard to tell :)

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@RamonY1970 I remembered the haircut, at least! @stillawake is your camera time set right? Don’t think I’m in your pics.

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HeardinLondon Oh the irony that Dominique Strauss-Kahn isn’t allowed to get bailed out.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 10:51 PM, May 16th, 2011 via Echofon)

@martingoode I believe everyone on The Apprentice is a cocksure moron. Please give me an interview.

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@RellyAB Yes. Something… saluteable.

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@Phooto It seems to be back up now.

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tiny_teapot RT @ChrisRHE: Here’s another Photo of the shuttle from my plane. >> WOW

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@RellyAB Surely you need an everyday one *and* one for best?

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@Phooto No, that server error appears on the desktop, too. Looks like a broken IIS configuration to me.

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@Phooto There’s meant to be a website? I thought they were currently in a “bust” bit of their continuing cycle?

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My newsreading skillz are clearly 1337.

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@tsunimee Cheese, chocolate, chorizo and chips would work for me. I’m going to call it the “chiet”.

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@hayles Hmm. I’d guess either a metal band or Richard Stilgoe.

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I can’t wait until untangling headphone cables is looked back on with nostalgia as something we had to do with our laughable old technology.

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@hayles Presumably, that means you need to drink tea and take Librium?

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@Mouse_House You should write one of those little books. You know, “Mouse’s Guide To Civilised Behaviour”; something like that.

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@paulahillier Ooh! Cool. And Stratford-on-Avon, too. Nice.

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@paulahillier Let’s swap timelines. I need work to be over.

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@boagworld You’re doing a “how to tease people on Twitter” season? :)

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bristol_running We are only 9 followers off the 600 mark. How about a RT to see if we can break through today?

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 2:16 PM, May 16th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)

mattgemmell Similarly hazardous steps exist in most police stations in Glasgow:…

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 1:29 PM, May 16th, 2011 via Echofon)

@OpinionatedGeek That’s a shame. It might have been worth a lot more if they’re planning on renaming the country.

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@caitlinmoran Forward it? I thought you celebrity types all lived in the one big house?

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@HilaryCarden Think it helped. Not looking forward to getting out of my chair at lunchtime. Must try to take some walk-breaks this morning!

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elliotjaystocks It’s unkind to laugh at emails from people whose first language isn’t English, but “Feel free to touch me” has to be the best sign-off EVER.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 9:12 AM, May 16th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@zoetw Well, you’ve got to take the smooth with the rough ;)

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No, not feeling too bad. Think I should probably walk to work to loosen up the legs, though :) @tangleofwires @Jorence @HilaryCarden

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