Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

May 24th, 2011

@tyronem That does seem to be an excellent summary!

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RT @thomasvenables: @gothick me want sharp murderous shiny blades of steel <— Erm. I appear to have given the game away, somewhat.

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“The Lightroom 3.4.1 update includes an important correction for a bug introduced in the Lightroom 3.4 release”

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@philsturgeon Free and global! Mr. Linksys is truly a public benefactor.

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@Lillput I’m going to make some of my own up. If you give towels, they must be rolled, not folded, otherwise the couple will be divided.

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@Lillput Well, now it’s all got very complicated. Except I avoided the knives anyway, for the murder-related reason. Good.

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@graulund Fax it to yourself so you have a copy.

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@Lillput I didn’t know there were *rules*!

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@betty_watson Hah! Yes, I tend to leave those for family to buy :)

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@shezza_t I’m not buying for Tom & Jerry!

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Buying from a wedding gift list. Is it just me that avoids buying breadknives in case they turn out to be the murder weapon? Oh, it is? Oh.

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@Pockless That’s no Father Christmas! That’s Alexei Sayle!

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@andybeebristol Good. It should be easy for me, I’ve never really made it higher than the corporate footstool.

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chrisphin A lil’ retweet for the U-S-A! U-S-A!

The new Whocap is live and ready to rock your -lovin’ world:

via Twitterrific for Mac (retweeted on 9:04 PM, May 24th, 2011 via Echofon)

@katylouiseg I suggest starting a new account for moments like this. @hateylouiseg

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@andybeebristol I can believe that. But yeah, it feels like a good, if slightly scary, idea.

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@Phooto If I had more of my own actual music, I might. As it is, I’ve written virtually nothing. And putting other people’s out is tougher!

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@Dichohecho Oooh. Maybe if there’s a hash, it doesn’t break the word because it looks like something a bit more technical than a word. Odd.

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@Dichohecho You’re enjoying breaking everyone’s web twitter, aren’t you?

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@Dichohecho @KaveyF This is genuine American popping candy, corn syrup, artificial flavour, red #3, the works :)

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@andybeebristol It probably helps to know Matt “Legend” Gemmell’s particular style before you read :)

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@KaveyF Oh, hang on, wrong reply.

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@Dichohecho Such are the dangers of too much popping!

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@Lillput @Dichohecho Somebody doesn’t have word-wrap: break-word set in their CSS.

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@Phooto Fairly sure it was one I learned from Malcolm, lead guitarist of Napoleon in Rags, one of our school bands!

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@Phooto …but thank you :) I have been playing that particular song on and off for rather more than two years.

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@Phooto Put the thought down. Step away from the thought.

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@Dichohecho Not in Echofon. Where are you looking?

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Audioboo: One More Cup of Coffee. Happy birthday, Bob :)

via audioBoom

I have recorded a quick cover version for Bob Dylan’s 70th. I have no time, so there was only one take. Audioboo coming soon :)

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@andybeebristol Incidentally, so impressed by your idea of taking a very late gap year that I’m thinking of doing it myself!

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@Mouse_House I would err on the side of truth & hope, personally. Generally works out better.

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@Mouse_House Generally, to cover own arses, most firms simply confirm that you worked there. But depends on company.

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@chrispople @meemalee @EssexEating I have never actually watched it, but I get the impression it might involve knowing how to cook? :)

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.@alexjbutcher @anachrocomputer I should probably have mentioned in my RT that @hannahnicklin is quite a ways from Bristol! :)

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@tsunimee No! Just saw it and thought of you.

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@hannahnicklin Would probably help with my plan to put “Madagascan Stealth Rhino” signage on an empty cage in Bristol Zoo one day…

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@hannahnicklin Whereas I’m currently struggling with learning graphic design!

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@hannahnicklin …and I’m afraid I’m not up on workshops. Would love to get to know Arduino, but am already spreading myself too thin!

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@hannahnicklin Most of my soldering & other basics skills came from awesome GCSE electronics teacher…

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hannahnicklin @gothick Do you know of any workshops on arduino stuff, and basic soldering DIY electronics? Think I need to kick-start my knowledge.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:54 PM, May 24th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@hannahnicklin I’m pretty good at it, if you need any specific advice.

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@MatStace Hinge? I buy about one a year. Still so worth it :)

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EmmyThomps Of course the Ryanair test flight didn’t crash - their planes are unique. Others fly by aerodynamics; Ryanair is rejected by the earth.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:35 PM, May 24th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@andybeebristol I kind of read it at an organisational level, being, effectively, a “maker” who works for a “taker” organisation…

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@mattgemmell It’s perfectly standard for Air. Assuming “ugly and doesn’t work how you’d expect” is a standard, anyway.

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Incisive thoughts on “makers” verus “takers” from @mattgemmell:…

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RT @ilovetypography: Went to Tokyo for an exhibition that I just discovered is not in Tokyo but Osaka <— Japanese for “D’oh!”?

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Baldwin Street @ Old Fish Market…

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Just posted a photo @ Floating Harbour…

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