Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

May 30th, 2011

Ha! Can you tell that I just finished _Down and Out in Paris and London_ on @goodreads?

via Echofon

@Jorence Well, yes, but you do appear to currently be a orangutan. The arms probably help more. @runnerbeany

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@thomasvenables Heh. Potentially as bad as the killer bees?

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@Kanga_Rue Nope! Although I’m not sure we should encourage this kind of thing with a prize…

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@hayles Pleasure! Hope you enjoy it :)

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hayles Here’s my Race for Life sponsorship page! Please sponsor me, or I’ll do sad face at you. Like this :( :( :(…

via Twitter for Websites (retweeted on 7:14 PM, May 30th, 2011 via Echofon)

Oooh, The Italian Job, Channel 4, five minutes’ time.

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RobinFlavell I always get “imply” and “infer” mixed up. Anyway, I’m off to watch The Towering Implyno.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 6:18 PM, May 30th, 2011 via Echofon)

Launching a little spring spruce-up of the Get Running site :)

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Whenever I see this Clifton Village regular, I think of Patrick Jane :)…

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Ugh. Rain. Glad of free cap that unexpectedly arrived with new trousers!…

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Ooof. Right. Time to go out for lunch and drugs, I think. Not feeling terrible, but oddly at 7º to reality.

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@Jorence It’s great when I’m just supplementing a wedding photographer; get all the fun and none of the stress :)

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@Jorence Cool. Just made sure you had the right permissions. Only a couple of them are public.

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@Jorence Are you a “friend” on Flickr? Can’t remember! Photos are there if you are :)

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@tomcoates I may now have to register “”.

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@Jorence Very fine indeed. Good time all round. And an excellent band.

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@Jorence Good for candids at weddings, too. I use my 17-55 almost exclusively, because it’s awesome, but want something longer too.

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@Jorence I was hoping the wedding at the weekend would push me in one direction or another, but I still want better ISO _and_ a longer lens.

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@Jorence Thank you. That is, indeed, an excellent article. Still think I’m upgrading to a 600D soon, though :)

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@penelopeelse Excellent. Always good to have a test system. It’s a lot less nerve-wracking than the tightrope of live changes :)

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@ParkBen Oh, bloody hell, Bristol. That’s not nice. And I’d not even been to look at it yet.

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@Jorence I should be going to a birthday barbie today, but I’m not feeling well enough. I think indoor Orwell reading beckons for me.

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@pjakobs The evidence builds! RT @51bits: Interesting! Ugly fonts (Comic Sans) may improve learning via @nicksealey

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@Beathhigh You’ll just have to phone it in.

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RT @charltonbrooker: I typed this for you. Just you. The least you could do is read it: <— Fantastic.

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@Kanga_Rue That may be the geekiest tweet I see today.

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@simondebrux Coffee gives all the oddly scientific joy of drug paraphernalia without being illegal. Yet :)

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hotdogsladies Okay, who the FUCK moved my Buddhism book?

So. Angry.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:00 AM, May 30th, 2011 via Twitter Web Client)

@RamonY1970 Hrm. That does, however, involve getting dressed and going out for lemons, limes and honey. I might start with a coffee.

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