@arlinelyons Heh. I’m fairly sure that novelty volcano name songs should be restricted to “one hit wonder” status :)
Brigantia @ Cascade Steps http://instagr.am/p/Evyv…
@tastapod Don’t worry. I imagine Rational’s process for tweeting has a year lifecycle and produces something that’s over 140 chars anyway.
@tsunimee I just get them done at the barber’s when he does my hair. Or were you asking the girls? :D
@danielpunkass They’ve not turned it on for me, either, and I have new follow mails on. Maybe they’re rethinking in light of universal hate.
@penelopeelse Oh. Erm. Well, for my own stuff, I use favstar.fm. Don’t know if they’ve got a way of looking up specific tweets, though.
@penelopeelse Erm. It’s possible I’m too tired today to understand what you need in 140 characters. #feelingdopey
@penelopeelse (And, erm, isn’t the “favourite” button Twitter’s “like” button? But I guess someone’s already said that by now…)
@penelopeelse Ignore any justifications, and ignore him. Any complaints, tell him you’re ignoring the rudeness, not the person.
“I’ll just postpone you for 30 seconds, sir!”
I think you’ll find you won’t postpone me at all.
Oh, Broadmead. No, I don’t want to change religion, be surveyed, give you my bank details, or change opticians. I just want to go to a shop.
Just posted a photo http://instagr.am/p/EvKf…
“Extra shot, Matt?”
Oh. So I look *that* good, do I?
@runnerbeany It’s better now than it was. I’m hardly completely damn soaked at all :(