@caitlinmoran You’re now thinking about other bionic body parts, aren’t you? I can tell. Bad Caitlin.
@bobscape Ah, so that’s what all the retail store stuff is about this weekend. They’re getting ready for the rapture. (http://bit.ly/is6i4h)
@Jdirwin Car Wasp #changeonelettersongs
Geordiespike Saw a werewolf at the bus stop this morning. Or possibly just a very hairy guy. Either way, the silver bullets worked.
@OpinionatedGeek Do you look shifty in your security photo, or something?
@petstourettes Well, they don’t like talking to people behind their backs.
@marcoarment Is it possible that she’s the only one actually working?
@42lbstolose That’s one for @benjohnbarnes, I think…
@benjohnbarnes Sure Amazon will sort it, just frustrated by site design that seems built to confuse when trying to return past 30 days!
@mattgemmell All things considered, I *would* risk putting it on my main desktop machine, but only just.
@mattgemmell I’m running it on my “lunchtime at work” box. Stable, no big issues for me, but irritating in places (some by design.)
@cmb While you’re pointing in that direction, can you send all the patent trolls to a spot about 50 metres to the left of the space station?
I’m laughing so much at the first panel of today’s XKCD I might not make it to the second.
Brilliant bed storage idea, via Futility Closet: http://www.futilityclose…
@mhoulden Guess Amazon have just made it hard and slightly grudging, rather than making it impossible. Grr.
@tsunimee *carries on running*
@Easybourne I’ve just mailed Amazon. Annoying that site seems designed to keep saying “No!” in a variety of ways when I need help. Grr.
@tsunimee Maybe you should ask me that question directly! http://formspring.me/got… *ducks* *runs away*
Bah. Sennheiser UK don’t accept warranty returns/repairs in the first year of cover. But Amazon make it hard to return stuff after 30 days.
@mikedunn Cultivate more tolerant acquaintances :D
@ParkBen What? No, wrong tweet! I was saying that the Magic Mouse has 360 scrolling. Better than the Mighty Mouse + no moving parts.
@mikedunn @ParkBen There is something else I want to say about mice and gestures here. But… #NDA #dammit
@ParkBen …apart from the Magic Mouse!
@mikedunn Just bear in mind it tends to aggravate anyone else who uses your computer and isn’t used to it!
@mikedunn Yeah, it’s very personal decision. But was very prepared to hate it when I got it, and turned out to be all-time fave mouse.
@mikedunn @ParkBen …I use MagicPrefs with mine to increase track speed and add custom gestures. But mostly use hot corners for expose etc.
@mikedunn I hear you. I bought mine with a new iMac, so it didn’t seem so bad! But yeah, try it, especially the tracking speed…
@mikedunn Not what you asked for, I know, but the Magic Mouse is the first Apple mouse I’ve actually liked and found reliable.
@danjamesceo Yeah, my phone seems to think I’m more likely to want to say “thongs” than “things”, too. Slightly worrying!
sixthformpoet May I suggest the Olympic torch route stops by the creative agency responsible for the logo?
@benjohnbarnes I was wondering! I just assumed you were juggling children while trying to work stuff out ;)
@tsunimee This is why “new work shirts” has been on my shopping list for months!
@benjohnbarnes I normally just go in through a reply, but the last two buttons at bottom are configurable (tap+hold) and have “user” option.
@benjohnbarnes And for everyone, there should be buttons at bottom if screen to show timeline, replies, etc.
@benjohnbarnes Er. For you, do you not see a button with “tweets” and a count?
Skipper @ Floating Harbour http://instagr.am/p/EY5V…
@Sennheiser_UK Any idea how long it normally takes you to respond to a returns request? Ta!
DreyaT I’m really going to miss this office. Who else goes to this much trouble for a guy obsessed with post its? twitpic.com/4z5r1q
@benjohnbarnes Tap on their avatar from an “expanded” (tapped) tweet to go to user page. Double-tap works if unexpanded.
@hayles All I know so far is it’s a lot harder for pedestrians to cross the bloody road there at the moment!
@hayles *lane.
@hayles So far they’ve put a two-way cycle land down one side of Redcliffe Bridge. Don’t know the full plan though.
@the3rdgirl It’s more than fun; I think it’s actually _obligatory_.
@hayles I’ve got the travel mug on my “payday” list, so I can give you a mini-review then if you’ve not bought one :)
@hayles Cool. Oh, and I think I was ambiguous there; with (1) I was talking about the sleep mask, not the travel mug! (Amazon sell the mug.)
@hayles 1) The Boots ones (bigger stores’ travel sections) are okay. 2) I’ve heard that Contigo Autoseal travel mugs are teh awesome.