Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

May 13th, 2011

@hayles You say that like it’s a bad thing.

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Watching _The Professionals_ and eating chocolate. It doesn’t get much better than this.

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@hayles @iandeeming Slightly worried by the juxtaposition of the last two tweets in my timeline!

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In the Hotwells Chinese/Fish & Chip shrnnday :D

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@benjohnbarnes Heh. No, I use a hardware calibrator because I want my photos to be the same colour on both monitors!

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@BlackDogDays oops. Sorry, too late to insult Mr. B — have run away to be a good boy in preparation for the 10k :)

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Down t’pub with Mr Brown :) @BlackDogDays

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@HeikeM Fairly sure they’d be dead from hypertension before the cancer got them, them… A bee, on coffee?

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@lilibaloo Hurrah! (Well, hurrah for home from hospital. Boooooo for shatteredness.) *hug*

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I heard that bees using mobile phones are causing cancer in Daily Mail readers.

via Echofon

Hurrah! After three attempts, managed to tweet something vaguely coherent to the right person. I think.

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@guriben Goodness. That’s a whole lot of stuff. Though I just use the Kindle for reading books, so I’ll forget most of ‘em before I need ‘em

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I really can’t tweet today. I must be very tired.

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guriben Wow, I knew some of these but not that there are so many! http://wiki.mobileread.c… @gothick

via tGadget (retweeted on 12:22 PM, May 13th, 2011 via Echofon)

@ahnlak Mo, they write the names on the cups in Baristas when you order so they know whose is whose when it’s ready :)

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How I am surviving this morning…

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Blogger We’re making progress and hope to be back soon. Blogger will remain in read-only mode until work is complete. Sorry for the pain.

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Just posted a photo @ SS Great Britain…

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