Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

May 28th, 2011

Yesterday’s happy couple :)

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Loving @KaveyF’s photos in “We Tasted Lebanon…”…

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Wooo! Bonus sparkly wedding cupcake :)…

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@scottejames Nah. It’s easier than actually talking to people.

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@chocablog Excellent. The last time I had a delivery Kavey turn up, my kitchen ended up completely full of bread. Delivery Kaveys are good.

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Home! After a lazy morning mostly involving drinking coffee and driving back from Clevedon. Now for a lazy afternoon.

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@tsunimee Population 2, baby. Though not so bad now I’ve had coffee & breakfastooover

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