Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 2nd, 2011

@arlinelyons I ran it, and it said, “hey, looks like you’re using Delicious Library. Want to grab that stuff?” Click. Done. Noice.

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to arlinelyons

Moving from Delicious Library to Bookpedia. DL is really gorgeous, but Bookpedia has a few features I really want that DL lacks.

via Echofon

@fabergemonkey Who are you, and what have you done with @Jorence?

via Echofon

Went to IKEA for a bit of a chill-out and retail therapy.

via Tweetbot for iOS

@hayles That is my favourite hashtag of the year so far :)

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to hayles

It’s possible I have stopped tidying the flat for a while.

via Echofon

@tsunimee @MizzWorthy Well, we’ll just have to try to restrain ourselves.

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@MissEmmeline Seems that way for me, but I only run Windows about once a month…

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@fivestimplesteps Erm — is there a chance _Hardboiled Web Design_ and _Designing With Data_ have shared an ISBN?

via Echofon

@MizzWorthy I recommend giving yourself permission to take the day off, and then lounging without guilt.

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Right. I am going to avoid the temptations of _The Swarm_ on BBC2, and tidy my flat. A lot.

via Echofon

Science Friday video: How Humpbacks Hunt With Bubbles. http://www.sciencefriday…

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meemalee Brilliant RT @DeannaThomas: Whoever talked back to the Special K lady poster: I salute you

via Twitter for BlackBerry® (retweeted on 10:50 AM, Jul 2nd, 2011 via Echofon)

@nickdonnelly I can’t remember the last time I deliberately minimised anything.

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@nickdonnelly i.e. My idiocy is to be *looking* at a browser page, hit the “close” shortcut, and have app that *really* had focus disappear.

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@nickdonnelly I tend to browse using tabs in one window. But want apps as separate windows that I can’t close accidentally.

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@emotionalpedant You know, that sounds like a good reason *not* to do it :) But I am thinking of starting back up again.

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@KaveyF I think you mean, “RANDOM!”.

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@KaveyF Odd. Maybe your phone just likes shouting.

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@emotionalpedant Well, I recently did a year of (mostly sans fards) morning photos, and it’s nice to have a name for them!

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@Jorence Weight of books finally broke the old one?

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@emotionalpedant Oooh. I have learned a new bit of language. Ta.

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@KaveyF You don’t have a “POP” in your address book, do you?

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@nickdonnelly Another is that I am prone to accidentally closing web apps while browsing. I guess browser trickery could solve that.

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@nickdonnelly After some thought, one thing for me is that keyboard shortcuts are normally more available/discoverable. I’m a keyboard guy.

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@nickdonnelly For Twitter, mobile I prefer Tweetbot; desktop I prefer Echofon.

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