Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 14th, 2011

mostlylisa Double rainbow over Manhattan snapped with my iPhone!

via Camera (retweeted on 11:51 PM, Jul 14th, 2011 via Echofon)

AdrianHiggs RT @gothick Peeps reporting an Apache helicopter flying around. What’s going on? > It’s a hosting overhead

via Hootsuite (retweeted on 7:54 PM, Jul 14th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)

RT @RIATairtraffic: Apache display in progress, arrestor cable being derigged. <— Ah. Wonder if the Apache is on way home from Fairford…

via Echofon

Several London peeps in my timeline are reporting an Apache helicopter flying around. Anyone know what’s going on?

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@bertpalmer Time for a carefully-aimed “miss”?

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@Jorence If it were me, I’d go *now*. I’m always having smart thoughts like that then being really awake 45 minutes later…

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@DaveHamilton Ah, sorry, forgot to refresh before my reply! But yeah, seems like the wrong abbreviation, symbolically, in some way…

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@emotionalpedant Sounds more like a font to me. “Taylor Kitsch Italic”?

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@daycoder Yur. Guess it’s going to work like latest TextExpander, as an app that you can hide by default. Works okay for TE.

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@daycoder Looks like they’re changing it specifically in order to fit the rules:

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@daycoder I only heard about it today, I think; maybe they’ve not done it yet.

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@daycoder Didn’t they just move to the Mac App Store? Might be a quick fix!

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“i18n”? That’s really l2y.

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@matt_fwyalchen Which one’s which? Seems to be Brooks who always has a smile on her face no matter what’s happened…

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@hayles Also: I presume that means you remembered to call about a house?

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hayles Looking for a 3+ bed house/apartment to rent for a weekend (Fri-Mon) in in September - any suggestions? - please RT!

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:53 PM, Jul 14th, 2011 via Echofon)

@jukesie @clarered Ha! Already moved by the time I’d gone to look. That was fast.

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@oxfordgirl Clearly the committee is trying to decide the best place for your blue plaque.

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@csoanes Doesn’t sound too out of the ordinary for an app approval. May also be delays at mo as App Store changes are made for Lion.

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amberanima So folk, anyone know of any exciting happenings of an artistic/musical nature today for the entertainment of @TomDrinkwater

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:40 AM, Jul 14th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@AndrewCollins Because it allows us to laugh at their ignorance, after quickly googling to find out where the hell Caracas is.

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@hayles @tsunimee Good question. I’m fairly sure that I’d still want to eat cake even after my head had been cut off.

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RT @bristol247: Subsidised Bristol bus services saved… for now <- Ooh. Maybe the 500 will continue!

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Oh, Bastille Day! Remind me not to act too aristocratic around @tsunimee today. *rubs neck thoughtfully*

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