@garethlpowell It’s the same attraction as doing anything else in a coffee shop. THERE IS COFFEE THERE.
@xabl Watch five minutes of The Apprentice. That should recalibrate your bollocksometer nicely and allow you to enjoy R4.
Ah, yes, Columbus, the man in the dirty mac who discovered America… #reddwarfquote #appropriate #apprentice
@ollieflips Ring me up, baby!
Old friend. http://instagr.am/p/HlVh…
Roight. Off for a jog.
AlacoqueDoyle #CelebInventors Clement Freud subconsciously invented mild weather.
madeupstats If you were to print out every pointless, hyperbolic statistic on the internet, it would stretch around the planet 5 TIMES OVER.
Seriously, it’s been a strange walk home. http://twitpic.com/5plx5w
@MediaBen Hmm. “Criminalmedianexusgate”. Nah, not quite punchy enough.
@click_happy_ Do you have scissors?
Just been passed by a rather funereal-looking pony and trap on the A4. Bristol really is quite an odd place this evening.
Tables and chairs laid out for tonight’s live broadcast of Cinderella from Royal Opera House @ Millennium Square http://instagr.am/p/Hk4S…
Walking home past the final #gorilla. #Bristol. http://instagr.am/p/Hk1k…
GingerMonkey_TL Bristol folk! My gorilla collab with 375 &a@gedpalmerlmer is being unveiled on queens sq at 4.30 today. Head on down if you have the time.
sunny_hundal At least ten people confirmed dead… the eventual figure is likely to be higher. Mumbai police saying another unexploded device found.
@suzidixon77 I have no idea now. But I knew when they first came out. Familiarity is an odd thing… (Newton?)
Colourful gorilla is colourful. @ Millennium Square http://instagr.am/p/HjhK…
Lovely morning, so I’m walking to work. http://instagr.am/p/HjgC…
Urgleblurgleflaaah. Flumbixxiwoop. Ahrm. Erm. Yah. Yeah. Morning, all. I think. #tootired