Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 11th, 2011

@BlackDogDays I don’t tend to venture to local pubs, generally. Mostly I’m on my own, so it feels a bit weird.

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@BlackDogDays *sigh*. Which is a shame, as they were very much my local.

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@BlackDogDays Well, they’re closed right now, and seem to have a sign in the locked, darkened entrance for a closing-down party.

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@stillawake Couple of months ago, apparently. :( Just talked to guy who runs The Bear about it.

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Damn! When did the Adam and Eve close?

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@mjh53 That may be the reason they’re refusing to accept any more.

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@LeeCottier @grahamallcott Well, if we have to have immortal children’s TV presenters, they might as well be good ones…

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@BristolBites I wish I had. Would be nice to have an occasional feline visitor. “What, you want food now? *Back to your owner!*”

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@ahnlak Although I have a feeling the answer may lie along those lines. Even charity bookshops often have “no paperback fiction” rule now.

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@Nose_in_a_book I expected that to be a one-page site that just said “EVERYTHING PROCTOR AND GAMBLE DON’T.”

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Speaking of @oxfamcothambook reminds me: I have 175 books I need shot of. What’s my best option, in Bristol? ( List: )

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@t_pk @oxfamcothambook @tiny_teapot Oh! Goodness. People are rarely mistaken for me. You must be special :D

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@LeeCottier Baroness Benjamin is, indeed, still rather fab, isn’t she?

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Yes, ants, it is your day for flying. Consider me suitably impressed. There is no need to continue headbutting me for attention.

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@archidave I missed it too, sadly, but for the good reasons of seeing friends out of town, at least.

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@iClaudsBean Every year for six years I’ve thought “Wow. That was more complicated than it should be. Next year I’ll hire an accountant.”

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@matthew_roach Really? But they’re cool, and the red matches the outfit…

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I have hemmed (not really, just with wundaweb) one panel curtain. Three to go. The first one only took about an hour.

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@BenPark Much time was spent indoors or in the garden with friends & my two honorary nephews, anyway :)

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@BenPark Neither, really. Visiting friends in Rodbourne.

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Anyway, yes, hello world, back from Swindon now, sorry if I was a bit read-only over the weekend.

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My Pure internet radio takes longer to turn on and start playing stuff than the original valve sets did.

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