@MizzWorthy …10K May 2010 http://bit.ly/aclmyX :D
@MizzWorthy Off the couch July 2009, 5K Oct 2009 http://bit.ly/pknCjv half mara September 2010 http://bit.ly/c3EDUI via
@MizzWorthy Coincidentally enough, it was my second anniversary on Friday.
@the3rdgirl Fair enough. I would never knowingly be an advocate of inappropriate gooeyness.
@the3rdgirl Is that a bad thing?
@MizzWorthy Well, I was a total slob and I do half marathons now!
@MizzWorthy It would be remiss of me not to point out @getrunningapp at this point. :)
@ShabbyBean I will try. Or I will wake up tomorrow afternoon with the lingering feeling that I missed something. What-EVAH. :D
@ShabbyBean Well, I don’t *need* to. But: http://www.flickr.com/gr…
@ShabbyBean Certainly worked for me. Not convinced I’m going to get up in the morning, though. Ah well… :)
@jesspants It was pretty nice. And then there was beer and Italian food. :D Also: http://twitpic.com/5uqata
Ooof. Back home. Pump House = good. Jamie Oliver’s Italian = really very good.
Just got in. May now be going back out again :)
@drewm It’s either that or they’ve tweaked some of the fonts a bit, yeah.
@BenPark @oxfamcothambook Heh. Easier to spot for me because I’m there right now! #coincidence http://lockerz.com/s/122…
@pearcafe @mattleys Nothing increases the lofty intellectualism of one’s tweets better than a classical reference.
‘Kay. Lunch done. Wandering home, slowly and peacefully.
@sebzar You are clearly in the right on this one. As evidenced by my having to recreate all my user accounts manually after Lion upgrade :/
@Sheridansmith1 Erm. Have you been taking seagulls nasally? I know stars are meant to develop odd habits, but that’s just weird :)
@sebzar I always think it’s a sensible idea, but then I always upgrade as soon as the new one is out. No self-control!
RT @Mouse_House: Look at the fruit in Boy’s car! http://yfrog.com/kj3u3ktj <- *snigger*
@pearcafe D’oh.
@KaveyF Unfollow and add to list “People I will refollow once they’ve sorted their hacked account out.”
I might go home via lunch in the RWA Papadeli.
@matt_fwyalchen That’s quite bemusing. Especially when new cutters cost less than a set of guitar strings.
@Skud @Juggzy In the other case I know about, which was @SplashMan, Blogger blog disappeared on G+ suspension.
@asic69 Don’t forget to stand underneath it. They work better that way. :D @TippyTLawton
@MrGreenGus Heard that some subsidised services had recently been reprieved. But as part of deal with First, shutting out smaller companies.
@Juggzy Haven’t seen any of that. It’s on my list, though.
@Skud @Juggzy Guessing that blog’s not on Blogger, either? I hear associated blogs are suspended on G+ suspension, too.
@BenPark I think there’s increasing call for people to know a little of everything. Specialists tend to use own hammer too much.
Chillin’ on Brandon Hill. http://lockerz.com/s/122…
@daycoder Yes. Are rubbish. Windowing control generally improved in Lion. Any-edge resize, plus try holding shift or option when sizing :)
@BenPark On my first three computers, the only choice was BASIC, or assembly language.
@BenPark I was lucky to have started learning at a time when they hadn’t even *invented* that many programming languages!
@BenPark Even in my field, many people specialise in one and have basic working knowledge of another.
@BenPark Always been a programmer. Mostly Microsoft for the day job. Visual C++, VB, SQL Server. These days mainly SQL Server.
It is a stonkingly lovely day in Bristol today. Am going to find some sunny spot on grass or balcony to continue my lazing.
@BenPark Mostly reading this bit because I want to get into Objective C programming, and it’s good background. Heavy for breakfast, though!
@BenPark It’s part of John Siracusa’s massive review of Lion. I’ll probably not have finished it before the next OS comes out…
@BenPark Nothing so thrilling, I’m afraid! http://lockerz.com/s/122…
Lazy breakfast. @ Baristas Coffee http://instagr.am/p/ITar…
Up! Bouncy! Waiting for friend to walk into town with.