Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 4th, 2011

@nicepaul Much as I liked Sly McCoy in the role, it was a pretty bad time for _Who_. Ah well.

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to PaulAnnett

@nicepaul I think Langford was distinctly scarier.

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@leigh D’oh. Guess I was lucky, then.

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to leigh

@reality_cave I seem to be living in one right now.

via Echofon in reply to shortchlo

Strikes me that as well as the “Vista hardware upgrade” archeological layer, there’s going to be a Kindle-induced paperback layer. :(

via Echofon

Jesus. What am I going to *do* with all these books?

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@SplashMan Some things just remain funny :)

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@SplashMan As does capitalisation. I found that out when I helped my uncle jack off a horse.

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Oi thinks it moight be bedtoime.

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@stillawake It does depend a little on your definition of “impressive”, mind :)

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@stillawake Sounds about right for a 60D with an impressive lens, to be fair.

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@stillawake What, for a 60D? Hope she got a good lens with it for that price!

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Oooh. Shiny new admin interface menus. #3.2

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@stillawake Next time I’ll get some of you, too :) You were too close for that lens!

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@stillawake Don’t think I can do this Sunday; looks like I’ll be out of town :(

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madeupstats Reader power:
If everyone on Twitter decided to boycott the News Of The World, its circulation would slump by 0.06%.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 8:58 PM, Jul 4th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@emmafurious @Jorence Yes. Specifically, I’m sad it’s a bass.

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@benclatworthy Well, at least he’s responsible and stupid. Probably a better combination than clever and irresponsible :)

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@hayles And a check-mark for Monday! [X]

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@tweetbot Is there a way of removing replies from blocked & reported spammers from my replies view? Ta!

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via Echofon (retweeted on 5:52 PM, Jul 4th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@hayles *looks around guiltily* *covers nipples with fingers*

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RT @Sam_Currie: I do wish Chris Tarrant would stop interrupting people he interv <— Yup, I know exactly what you mean. :D

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@tsunimee @MediaBen No, I know virtually nothing about it, just remembered it being reviewed when it came out because idea was nice.

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@MediaBen @tsunimee I’m guessing there are more options with fold-out screens now, that might also be an option.

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to benhorsleyco

@MediaBen Careful! Don’t get @tsunimee started on the iPhone ;) PS: Samsung ST550?

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to benhorsleyco

tsunimee does anyone know of a compact digital camera with a ‘screen’ at the front which is handy for auto portraits?

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:42 PM, Jul 4th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@ricgalbraith Well, I hear it contains 100% of your recommended daily allowance of iron, at least…

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@Dru_Marland Possibly. I can only hear it. But it does sound like it could be a gorilla vuvuzela orchestra

via Echofon in reply to Dru_Marland

@stillawake You may have any of them for free. Will DM you a link to high-res downloadables.

via Echofon in reply to stillawake

There is something going on near Temple Park that sounds like a vuvuzela orchestra being fed through a wood chipper. Let’s hope it is, eh?

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rhodri Christ. You buy food, then you eat it, then you have to go and buy some more. The incessant, repetitive grind is driving me slowly mad.

via Seesmic (retweeted on 9:26 AM, Jul 4th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)