Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 27th, 2011

@KaveyF Well, if your plot’s utterly awful, your characters have to be really great, and vice versa. One of the two would at least be nice.

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@tsunimee It wasn’t meant to be obvious! Was first used as a codename on the label of Dr. Who tapes so they didn’t get nicked in transit :)

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@tsunimee (But you like wordplay, right? Clue’s in the name: “Torchwood” is an anagram of “Doctor Who”.)

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@tsunimee Oh. Sadly, I think Torchwood is a bit crap, despite mostly liking the new Doctor Who.

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@MediaBen That’s no way to talk about your Facebook friends.

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@hayles Sorry, are you talking to the original me, Matt Lite, or Matt With A Dash Of Lemon?

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@RellyAB Not yet. I need time to send you a stamped addressed envelope first.

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@foodwinediarist And this affects you how? Are they planning on camping untidily in the view from your hotel balcony?

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RT @nancyflowers: a boat just crashed next to the grain barge. so loud! oh dear.… <— Oopsie!

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@TheChapblog I would, but I can’t figure out how. :)

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@marcus67 For extra sarcastic joy, try holding Shift or Option when resizing.

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.@zamon Stand back. I am going to REBOOT THE INTERNET.

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@R2UK He was reaching for cake, wasn’t he? :) Happy birthday!

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Why is half the internet not working for me today?

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@lastfmsupport Is there an easy way to report shoutbox spam? Had two in last two days…

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Changing meanings. “My account’s been hacked!” —
2001: “Someone else did something clever.”
2011: “I did something dumb.”

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@tsunimee I’ll protect you. Last night I successfully attacked an alien stronghold armed only with Napoleonic-era cannon.

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Morning, @RamonYouseph! Sorry, was too busy framing that last photo to see you!

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