Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 21st, 2011

@arlinelyons New series. Which I should have carried on my policy of not bothering with from the last series, frankly.

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@arlinelyons That’s okay, I am drinking Divine Cocoa (thanks, @KaveyF). Also, I was only annoyed at the crapness of Torchwood.

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Well, that was a bit crap.

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The Boston Globe’s Big Picture has picture #18 tagged as “objectionable”, apparently as it depicts a breastfeeding mother

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@Narshada Thanks! Drink’s on me next time I see you somewhere conducive ;)

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biorhythmist ¡ɹoıʌɐɥǝq buıןןoɹɔs uoıן ʍǝu ǝɥʇ ǝʌoן

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 6:35 PM, Jul 21st, 2011 via Echofon)

@Lytro Do I assume you only want US-based usability testers? Those profile fields aren’t very international-friendly…

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RT @codepo8: that makes sense: <— Oh, good grief.

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@BenPark Jesus. And I just viewed the source. It appears to be from the 1990s.

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@BenPark So, is that the Home Delivery Network’s quality recruitment exposed?

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@BlackDogDays Home without getting *too* soaked. Dodged into Waitrose for the worst bit :)

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Ah, the Cowboy Junkies’ version of _Powderfinger_. Will you marry me, Margo?

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Hrm. Pretty sure that’s Gil Fronsdal, not @DaveHamilton! New iTunes is working a treat, then……

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@hayles I thought she was pretty much continuously in some godawful romcom or other?

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@BlackDogDays Gah! This is going to be a repeat of yesterday, isn’t it?

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@jemimakiss NetNewsWire syncs with Google Reader and can be set to check for feed updates regularly.

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@Phooto Oh! I was trying to make words out of the actual registration. In my defence:…

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Firefox 5 walks into a bar. Slaps its forehead, walks back out again. Firefox 5.01 walks into a bar…

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Great article on online communities by @anildash: “If your website’s full of assholes, it’s your fault”

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@BlackDogDays Bah. If I’d known, I’d at least have brought the right camera for interesting skies!

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@RamonYouseph Ooop, sorry, forgot to reply last night! Don’t worry about it. Good luck with t’think.

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@callumchapman Cool. Will be later in the year, though; probably Octoberish at earliest.

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@Dru_Marland @talkie_tim Am considering “disappearing” it early one morning.

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@callumchapman Not yet. But I’m planning on learning how this year. Might be my first project!

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@talkie_tim We now have a wheelie bin permanently outside the house, annoyingly.

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@callumchapman Personally, I’ve been thinking of a comments manager for multiple blogs; saves re-logging n lots…

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@callumchapman What kind of WordPress editor? (I like MarsEdit for page/post editing…)

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@talkie_tim @stillawake @EmilyKoch22 Sadly I don’t have anywhere to put a wheelie bin, either. The curse of terraces converted to flats.

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@talkie_tim At least you have a front garden! My hall looks like a tip most of the time these days. @stillawake @EmilyKoch22

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@Jdirwin That sounds like a very British bumper sticker.

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Standing your Berocca effervescent vitamin drink in front of your fan turns out to be dumb.

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@BlackDogDays @guriben “proctologist” and “force” are two words I don’t want to hear in the same conversation…

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@BlackDogDays Dunno. Happened a half hour before I walked past, at least. Couldn’t really tell what had happened.

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@BristolBites Well, in the beginning, the was the void… Wait. This is going to take more than 140 characters, isn’t it?

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Ambulance still here. Police taking statements. Hope it wasn’t pedestrian crossing that bloody .…

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RT @TravelBristol: A4 Hotwell Road inbound at Dowry Square. Accident, police on scene, lanes closed… <— Was wondering about the sirens!

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@Altitudinous Ah! I don’t think I’ve seen the Apple default setup for years :) (I use @alfredapp, so Launchpad feels superfluous anyway!)

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@JacquiLSharp @MacworldUK That was changed in later builds. It’s an option: System Preferences->Dock->Show indicator lights for open apps.

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@Altitudinous Err… What Applications icon in the dock? And what’s wrong with clicking on the Launchpad icon in the dock?

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@bobbyllew …the test version from the forum someone pointed you at. If you can live without for a bit, just install normal latest version.

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@bobbyllew If you really need the Finder integration (the little icons & “copy public link” menu items), install…

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@bobbyllew Just install the latest version from the website. That’ll get the syncing working fine again.

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