@MizzWorthy Erm. That should be impossible unless you have a “verified genuine” profile…
@shezza_t Oh my goodness me.
It’s basically Big Brother with pinstripes, isn’t it? #apprentice
@Phooto (Damn autocorrect!)
@Phooto Certainly there’s a reason why most of the challenges seem to involve selling shut by lying to people.
@Phooto Yes, but they’re not, are they? They’re idiots chosen for their entertainment value.
Ah. The Apprentice final. Remind me *not* to start watching the next series, will you?
@thomasvenables Bought with my “sorry a certain computer system was so shit” Christmas bonus :)
@MediaBen Indeedy.
@MediaBen Yup. High pixel count on tiny sensor makes for bad low-light performance. All else being equal, I’d rather have 6MP than 12MP.
@MediaBen Also: if sensor is the same size, pixels are smaller, fewer photons per sensor, and more noise.
Could we go back to Sunday being a slow news day, please?
I have started collecting cafe typography, for no readily-apparent reason. http://cafetypography.tu…
@t_pk It’s not as big as it looks :) 10mm lenses are fab…
Relative serenity is restored to my lounge. Hurrah! http://twitpic.com/5roate
(I am not being condemnatory of unhealthy food choice _per se_, I just don’t get how deep fried butter could possibly be *nice*…)
@archidave I am fundamentally a very messy person. I mess it up all week and try to recover the situation on Sundays. Normally I fail.
RT @jukesie: The fact that this is a real stall just makes me love America a little more! http://gu.com/p/3v9d2/iw <— Deep fried BUTTER?
I just tidied my lounge at an intensity level of one “oh, that’s where that went” per square metre.
@dhh Have you read the interview yet? Are there any of your words left, or did they just interview the body double?
Okay. I don’t like The Inbetweeners (sorry, everyone) and I’m never going to get around to Slumdog Millionaire. Time to admit defeat.
dhh The headline is “have you discovered your road to freedom?”. Apparently, no matter how successful/free, you become, you must wear a suit.
dhh I did an interview w/ @successmagazine and they fucking photoshopped my head onto some guy’s suit body. WTF http://yfrog.com/kh8wgbgj
Is it safe to use Dyson vacuum cleaner in room with Dyson fan running? Worried I might create a vortex that sucks in the whole of Bristol.
@parryphernalia Do a stealth one! Sneak in two laps of the half in September :)
@caitlinmoran I also notice that it’s “weightless”, which must be a handy feature, especially for air travel.
Glad I didn’t leave my run until later. #britishsummer http://instagr.am/p/H3-W…
Hurrah! At last, a half-decent run. http://mattgetsrunning.c…
Man, that is *really* good bacon. #bostonteaparty #brunch #postruncalorieintake
@BristolBuddies I think to me, it says “this is a personal domain”. I wouldn’t expect a business to be there, so dunno about consumer trust.
johnmcg There are so many people on Twitter saying Rebekah Brooks has been arrested that you can see it from space.
@tsunimee @ahnlak We’re both the biggest pervy pig. It’s just that he’s the tallest and I’m the widest.
Right. Nice little 6K run done. Now, to the cafe!
Bridge Valley Road, just now. My first thought: “Oooh! Doozers!” http://twitpic.com/5rjsc6
@TheChapblog If you go for plasters, eBay is the best source of big boxes of small round ones I’ve found. Bodyglide’s in most running shops.
@TheChapblog Also, even if you’re a chap, tweed is *not* the best material for running top. (And seriously, avoid cotton, too…)
@TheChapblog Plasters, or Bodyglide. Works for me ;)
@tsunimee I AM innocent! He protested, innocently.
@Jorence :)
*looks out of window at rain* *sigh* *goes jogging anyway* http://twitpic.com/5rif42
@meemalee I think “influential about biscuit” should go straight on the ol’ CV.