Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 8th, 2011

@matthewcock @stuartcw It could be worse. I understand Caterina Fake has had airline tickets automatically un-booked in the past…

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Coyote Tracks - Espresso 2 alpha: (They’re rolling CSSEdit into Espresso? Damn. I like it just as it is…)

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@TransNiugini I’m sure it’ll be fine. Besides, internet gurus are cheap and easy to replace.

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@TransNiugini It’s okay; they’ve got a couple of bike dynamos and a couple of cycling gurus.

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@michelledh I don’t actually know how many followers I’ve got!

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@michelledh I mostly use RSS feeds & read in a feed reader instead. Just because someone’s not following doesn’t mean they’re not reading…

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@TransNiugini Yup. Look for a big house full of pale, earnest guys with a *really* good internet connection.

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@lukeredpath Looks interesting! Will bookmark for possible future geekiness :)

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@Narshada Wave at someone! Oh, wait, wrong product.

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@TalesFromShop @BlackDogDays Ta. Yes, I walked home pretty fast from the ferry stop, before swimming became necessary.

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@brainopener All internet business coaches live together in a large house on Papua New Guinea. Seminars start at 9AM local time.

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@chrisphin Ah, okay, I missed the meaning of “neutral-English” there.

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@tsunimee Ta :) Majestic, isn’t he?

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gnimmel A sad day for technology but OTOH when the shuttle first went up, the idea of watching it on a phone anywhere in the world was weird sci-fi.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 8:21 PM, Jul 8th, 2011 via Echofon)

@RamonYouseph On the plus side, the ferry should be able to get closer to my flat on Monday morning.

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@RamonYouseph Knowing NCP, they’d probably charge double.

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I may just double check around the flat, see if I might have a liferaft. You know. Just in case.

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@MatStace Good. I think an hour-long US show is down to about 25 minutes on the BBC these days :)

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@MatStace Oh. Does that mean the US paid for most of it? :)

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@MatStace What? Is it back on? Is it meant to be any good? I stopped watching halfway through the last series, from what I remember.

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@BlackDogDays What do you call a pedestrian in Hotwells tonight? Bob!

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@kshack22 Well, I have one of those as well, of course. Well, perhaps apart from the “trendy” bit.

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@BlackDogDays @TalesFromShop Yeah, it was a bit like that when I was on my way home.

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@kshack22 Maybe that’s why I can’t keep the damn things alive.

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@bertpalmer Seems to have a roughly 50-foot radius and contain all the rain in the world.

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So, basically, we had just enough sunshine to kill my hanging basket flowers, and since then, it’s rained? Grrr.

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RT @BlackDogDays: Monsoon heading for Hotwells! Take cover! <- NOT JOKING

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@BlackDogDays Luckily, I am safely indoors.

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darendoc If NASA had any guts, they would dress the landing crew at Edwards as Apes to receive the Astronauts on their last Shuttle Landing.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 7:29 PM, Jul 8th, 2011 via Echofon)

@hayles Roughly every other house on the Bath Half route had that blaring from the windows :)

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Another damp ferry ride home……

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It’s possible that social media has influenced the tone of mainstream media :) (Guardian website)…

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RT @jacrats: Well, that was unexpected. Bit of a cry there. <- Me too. Dim childhood memories of Columbia launch on TV at school.

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MakersCabin Clients, pay your designers.

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 4:33 PM, Jul 8th, 2011 via Echofon)

AmyOztan Trying not 2 laugh but a mom just wrote on a local listserv that her daughter poured milk on her laptop trying to feed some cats on YouTube.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 1:36 PM, Jul 8th, 2011 via Echofon)

@RellyAB I hate that. There’s always one last little thing that doesn’t work that I have to google for hours to find the box I need to tick.

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@RamonYouseph Yup. Seems to have the winds to go with it today, too, that rain was nearly horizontal for a bit.

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Holy moly. That’s a lot of water falling from the sky.

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geek#matt { color: white; disposition: grumpy; cause: internet-explorer }

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Airfoil update: you can now send AirPlay audio from iTunes to AirFoil Speakers app, among other features.

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Seth Godin: Time for a workflow audit. (I am available at reasonable hourly rates, by the way)

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somafm Last space shuttle launch ever: Friday, July 8th at 11:26 a.m. Eastern. We’ll mix the live audio with music at

via Seesmic twhirl (retweeted on 11:46 AM, Jul 8th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Wanted: office phone system that hooks into Outlook. “John is in a meeting all morning. Do you still want to call his desk phone?”

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@Bristol_Culture Cool. Couldn’t tell for sure because of the cycle helmet :). You passed me on the way back from my jog.

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B247Martin New blog: How many @BristolZooGdns’ gorillas have you found? We have so far hunted down 51. Here are photos of them all:

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 10:05 AM, Jul 8th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@Bristol_Culture Cool. Incidentally, were you cycling down the Portway last night?

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Has Akismet stopped working in 3.2, or something? Suddenly drowning in unfiltered spam. :(

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To some, a warning. To “DS”, an invitation. :)…

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@mistymaria Well, that Co-Op cheese counter is popular on a Friday morning.

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@ahnlak Well, they did do a triathlon in the dock at the weekend. Unfortunately — *pats pockets* — I seem to have forgotten my wetsuit.

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Balls. Missed the ferry.

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