@matthewcock @stuartcw It could be worse. I understand Caterina Fake has had airline tickets automatically un-booked in the past…
#geek Coyote Tracks - Espresso 2 alpha: http://bit.ly/pgI5qx (They’re rolling CSSEdit into Espresso? Damn. I like it just as it is…)
@TransNiugini Malolo!
@TransNiugini I’m sure it’ll be fine. Besides, internet gurus are cheap and easy to replace.
@TransNiugini It’s okay; they’ve got a couple of bike dynamos and a couple of cycling gurus.
@michelledh I don’t actually know how many followers I’ve got!
@michelledh I mostly use RSS feeds & read in a feed reader instead. Just because someone’s not following doesn’t mean they’re not reading…
@stillawake Ta :)
@technex You could be righth.
@TransNiugini Yup. Look for a big house full of pale, earnest guys with a *really* good internet connection.
@lukeredpath Looks interesting! Will bookmark for possible future geekiness :)
@Narshada Wave at someone! Oh, wait, wrong product.
@technex Theese!
@lukeredpath #blastfromthepast Airfoil Speakers can now receive AirPlay streams :) bit.ly/qpGKhc
@arlinelyons You already *have* a geek!
@TalesFromShop @BlackDogDays Ta. Yes, I walked home pretty fast from the ferry stop, before swimming became necessary.
@brainopener All internet business coaches live together in a large house on Papua New Guinea. Seminars start at 9AM local time. #truefact
@chrisphin Ah, okay, I missed the meaning of “neutral-English” there.
@chrisphin Give it some wellie?
@Narshada I like his hat.
@tsunimee Ta :) Majestic, isn’t he?
Photo: The Noble Rain Gorilla. #bristol #gorillas http://flic.kr/p/a1LyYX
gnimmel A sad day for technology but OTOH when the shuttle first went up, the idea of watching it on a phone anywhere in the world was weird sci-fi.
@RamonYouseph On the plus side, the ferry should be able to get closer to my flat on Monday morning.
@RamonYouseph Knowing NCP, they’d probably charge double.
I may just double check around the flat, see if I might have a liferaft. You know. Just in case. #hotwells #deluge
@MatStace Good. I think an hour-long US show is down to about 25 minutes on the BBC these days :)
@MatStace Oh. Does that mean the US paid for most of it? :)
@MatStace What? Is it back on? Is it meant to be any good? I stopped watching halfway through the last series, from what I remember.
@tweeny4 @bertpalmer *twirls* *bows* *falls over*
@BlackDogDays What do you call a pedestrian in Hotwells tonight? Bob! #theoldonesarethebest
@kshack22 Well, I have one of those as well, of course. Well, perhaps apart from the “trendy” bit.
@BlackDogDays @TalesFromShop Yeah, it was a bit like that when I was on my way home. http://flic.kr/p/a1KZni
@kshack22 Maybe that’s why I can’t keep the damn things alive.
@bertpalmer Seems to have a roughly 50-foot radius and contain all the rain in the world.
So, basically, we had just enough sunshine to kill my hanging basket flowers, and since then, it’s rained? Grrr.
RT @BlackDogDays: Monsoon heading for Hotwells! Take cover! #youhavebeenwarned <- NOT JOKING
@bertpalmer @tweeny4 I guess… Gotham?
@BlackDogDays Luckily, I am safely indoors.
darendoc If NASA had any guts, they would dress the landing crew at Edwards as Apes to receive the Astronauts on their last Shuttle Landing.
@hayles Roughly every other house on the Bath Half route had that blaring from the windows :)
@hayles I favour Gaga (really!)
@tsunimee Aw, shucks.
Another damp ferry ride home… http://instagr.am/p/HN5E…
It’s possible that social media has influenced the tone of mainstream media :) (Guardian website) http://lockerz.com/s/118…
RT @jacrats: Well, that was unexpected. Bit of a cry there. #atlantis <- Me too. Dim childhood memories of Columbia launch on TV at school.
MakersCabin Clients, pay your designers. dalibunion.com
AmyOztan Trying not 2 laugh but a mom just wrote on a local listserv that her daughter poured milk on her laptop trying to feed some cats on YouTube.
@RellyAB I hate that. There’s always one last little thing that doesn’t work that I have to google for hours to find the box I need to tick.
@RamonYouseph Yup. Seems to have the winds to go with it today, too, that rain was nearly horizontal for a bit. #stayingindoorsforlunch
Holy moly. That’s a lot of water falling from the sky. #bristol
geek#matt { color: white; disposition: grumpy; cause: internet-explorer }
#geek Airfoil update: you can now send AirPlay audio from iTunes to AirFoil Speakers app, among other features. http://bit.ly/qpGKhc
Seth Godin: Time for a workflow audit. http://bit.ly/oCvnAc (I am available at reasonable hourly rates, by the way)
somafm Last space shuttle launch ever: Friday, July 8th at 11:26 a.m. Eastern. We’ll mix the live audio with music at http://soma.fm/mc #sts135
Wanted: office phone system that hooks into Outlook. “John is in a meeting all morning. Do you still want to call his desk phone?”
@Bristol_Culture Cool. Couldn’t tell for sure because of the cycle helmet :). You passed me on the way back from my jog.
B247Martin New blog: How many @BristolZooGdns’ gorillas have you found? We have so far hunted down 51. Here are photos of them all: bit.ly/oHBpJX
@Bristol_Culture Cool. Incidentally, were you cycling down the Portway last night?
Has Akismet stopped working in #wordpress 3.2, or something? Suddenly drowning in unfiltered spam. :(
To some, a warning. To “DS”, an invitation. :) #bristol http://instagr.am/p/HMgA…
@mistymaria Well, that Co-Op cheese counter is popular on a Friday morning.
@ahnlak Well, they did do a triathlon in the dock at the weekend. Unfortunately — *pats pockets* — I seem to have forgotten my wetsuit.
Balls. Missed the ferry.