Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 26th, 2011

On the Bristol Flickr Group’s Dundry walk on Sunday, this fellow was very nosy.

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@RamonYouseph I did. Though not very well! Was fun, though.

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@tsunimee That would technically be a “displacement activity”, psychologically speaking.

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@andybeebristol The Jungle Rumble thing at Cabot Circus, with a few work peeps. Never been before!

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…if I weren’t already booked to play crazy golf later(!) I’d go check them out. Sounded a bit Sleater-Kinney.

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Walking past the Fleece, there’s an awesome-sounding band warming up. Guessing it’s Silhouette Showgirls, on tonight’s bill.

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@mightymur That’s hypodermics for ya. Steely, hollow bastards.

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Ninja_lynneja Latest gem: parent of customer ranting how crap we are as our email ends in so how are our passengers meant to contact from overseas?

via Echofon (retweeted on 3:41 PM, Jul 26th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@Thehappyfatgirl I know a few people who’ve been on here significantly longer. *raises eyebrow at @hayles*

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@Thehappyfatgirl Also: I cannot believe I’ve been on here for 53 months now.

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@Thehappyfatgirl Goodness. Apparently I am cruising at a height of 340 per month, personally.

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AmazonVideoUK News: Star Wars deleted scenes debut online

via SocialEngage (retweeted on 1:31 PM, Jul 26th, 2011 via Echofon)

@guriben Oh, is that what that noise is? I just assumed we had another wasp in the office.

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@Mouse_House It’s also possible he’ll lend you the money anyway.

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@Mouse_House Given that he’s a boy, you can probably assume that’s a yes.

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@codepo8 @sazzy <aside>Everyone’s a critic!</aside>

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tip: Want to click a link in Full Screen but *not* switch to Safari & drop out of Full Screen yet? Command-click instead.

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@jonhickman You’d have thought there would be a “Use this mailbox for…” like there is for Junk, etc, wouldn’t you? Hrm.

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@jonhickman Hah! That’s why it spookily works perfectly for me. My existing archive folder is called “Archive”.

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@jonhickman Not noticed that. Where does it go by default?

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@NeilCrosby I suggest we standardise on “Londonipsum”.

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Good post on Google+ and pseudonyms, by Caterina Fake (yes, that *is* her real name!)

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@bertpalmer When you’ve got a mo, try plugging that recalcitrant drive in, running Disk Utility, and seeing if you can mount it manually.

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@Mouse_House I know one utterly lovely and interesting girl who also has a calculator fetish and wants to be accountant. Takes all sorts!

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@Mouse_House Some people just love it. I agree, it’s odd.

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@boagworld Ooh, top tip. That’s the only thing I was really preferring with Chrome.

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@lahlootea You’ll be providing an emergency tea delivery service using a Saint Bernard?

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@talkie_tim @archidave @Dru_Marland @xabl I saw Paul in the street last year. He still remembers me as “Latte”.

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@talkie_tim @archidave @Dru_Marland @xabl Was mine at TM underpass stall for years, too. Run by Paul, pleasingly short to rude customers :)

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@archidave @Dru_Marland @talkie_tim Of all the bad things at Reading, I at least thought the AMT stall did good coffee. Is it still there?

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@Stephanie_Gunn I’ve been in the mood for Actually Bloody Posting Something these last couple of days, too. It’s a conspiracy.

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@tweeny4 Dangermouse is on my LiveFilm list. Can’t wait!

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Just got onto the ferry as the rain started. Nice.

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I do not want to go to work. Please can I carry on standing in my flat singing along to Monkey Swallows the Universe on loop all day please?

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