Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 25th, 2011

@Swishrelic Yeah, it’s quite sweet, isn’t it? Don’t think my scanner’s got quite the res for it, mind. But still.

via Echofon in reply to Swishrelic

@panic Hah! Just reproduced it on the iMac — it only happens if the window is small, vertically (saw it first on the Air.) Will send mail.

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The advice I tweeted last doesn’t work so well if too many people re-tweet it and make your phone vibrate while scanning :)

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@Swishrelic Also, add a sheet of tissue paper in front of the screen if the pixels show through!

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@Swishrelic Having some decent results with black and white. Not so sure about the colour yet!

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Why didn’t I think of that? Using phone as a backlight for negative scanning: First result:

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@jamesclay Yup. Whichever way I cut it, I’m dealing with an industry who want to make it as annoying as possible for me to give them money.

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@jamesclay I have more hassle with that on digital media than I do with DVD! I just send the disc back to LoveFilm…

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@jamesclay That’s the sticking point. Mostly, I don’t want to have to manage this stuff, or keep bought stuff around.

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@jamesclay Prefer to watch on the actual telly, and it’s a pain from the Mac. Will prob. buy Apple TV when they start doing TV show rentals.

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Someone should write a virus that targets DVD producers and forces them to watch trailers for other applications every time they launch one.

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@weirdoldhattie I have no idea, but I *love* the photo tags :D

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@panic Any known Transmit issues with “Upload” Automator action? Select “Favourites” & action reappears half-hidden by previous actlion

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@vero Took about a week to get used to, and now I’m fine. More frustrated trying to live with default lack of scrollbars.

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caitlinmoran And a great, calm, un-hysterical piece on Norway from Boris Johnson, too:

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 9:35 AM, Jul 25th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)