@MizzWorthy @tsunimee Bonsoir, lovelies.
@MizzWorthy @tsunimee Anyway, m’dears, I must head for bed before I pass the point of sleepiness and head for insomnia.
@tsunimee @MizzWorthy Jokes that rely on language tricks are a bit risky with this crowd.
@tsunimee @MizzWorthy Also, unlike you bouncy awake types, I’m ker-knackered.
@tsunimee @MizzWorthy I can’t remember any more jokes that are appropriately Twitter-length.
@MizzWorthy @tsunimee BABOON!
@MizzWorthy @tsunimee What noise does an exploding monkey make?
@tsunimee You are actually bouncing up and down, aren’t you?
@jbrownridge Sark. Sark. Took me right back to a particular episode of this: http://bit.ly/qCeDhf but I can’t remember which one, damn it.
@emmafurious @RamonYouseph Someone may have missed out on the “when in hole, stop digging” advice.
@talkie_tim Ooh, fab.
talkie_tim Just happily killed 40 minutes waiting for the train by reading old Harry Harrison crime stories over here: harryharrison.wordpress.com
@RamonYouseph @emmafurious So, looks like he would have been okay until he pretended to be someone else to defend himself. D’oh.
@RamonYouseph @emmafurious Yup. http://www.guardian.co.u…
@RamonYouseph @emmafurious He was suspended today, I believe.
RichNeville Haven’t seen any news in 2 hours, so I assume at the present rate of developments the queen’s been arrested and we’re at war with Australia.
@BlackDogDays I know nothing of the circumstances at all. Who knows, maybe it’ll re-open…
@parryphernalia It is not going, so far. I did get out last Thursday for the first time in ages. Planning on getting out again tomorrow.
It’s a duck in a cup. This is the internet, after all. I have a quota to fill. http://bit.ly/nJwzSq
@daycoder Suitably snappy, I’ll give you that…
@simondebrux Awkward to say. But maybe that’s just me.
My suspicion is that the current revelations will continue until a suitably snappy word has been found to suffix with “-gate”.
Adam and Eve pub closure confirmed by sign in locked entranceway :( #bristol http://instagr.am/p/Hgsu…
Playing with Synthcam combined with Swankolab. http://lockerz.com/s/119…
Nearly home. @ The Grain Barge http://instagr.am/p/HgpU…
@EmmyThomps Oddly, I randomly sang that exact line out loud to myself just after waking up this morning. HMHB mind-control ray?
@panic No screencast yet, but I dropped you an email after I figured out what was going on.
@daycoder No probs. I got my degree at a unix-heavy Uni (Warwick), and then carried on doing it for twenty years :)
@daycoder Well, I’ve blundered around on Macs with admin privilege for a few years now, and not broken anything.
@daycoder In my experience, most Mac-using old-school unix geeks use an account with Admin privs day-to-day.
@daycoder Yes.
@daycoder ) :)
@daycoder (And does your user definitely have “Allow user to administer this computer” in user prefs?
@daycoder You said you promoted yourself to admin, right? Did you log out and back in again afterwards? Might make a difference.
@daycoder Hrm. By the looks of the default /etc/sudoers file, any admin user should be okay. I’m not specifically mentioned in mine.
@daycoder But really, *be careful* when you’re root.
@daycoder Having enabled it, though, you don’t actually need *its* password to su to it. Try “sudo su -” from a terminal, and give *your* PW
@daycoder Follow these instructions to enable the root user: http://hints.macworld.co…
@daycoder You don’t need root PW. First off (one time only) enable root account.
@daycoder …but 140 characters is not the best medium for stuff like this!
@daycoder Depending on the method, I’d install 2.7 in /usr/local (as root, using sudo/su), then try to install packages to match.
@daycoder Some, but that seems like odd things to be looking at if you’re using Apple’s pre-installed python…
@daycoder Ah, sorry; I know OS X fairly well, but not python.
@daycoder Any particular stuff?
@panic Seeing some crazy cut & paste behaviour in Coda 1.7.2. Any known issues? (Pasted text changing after paste, undo-able.)
@soba_girl Well, his own would be his “crew”, I believe.
@MrMattAnderson I wonder if these gorillas could have been self-funding if they’d had a coin slot in the top!
@technex Suggested hashtag: #princecharlestweets
@BenPark Nope! Not much preparation, from what I remember.
@BenPark Hopefully people aren’t judging me by the book list! Mostly these are “okay, but won’t read again” books…
@BenPark Not something I’d ever want to try out; feels creepy. Interesting book, though. Book by Mr L about not buying anything for a year!
@BlackDogDays Yup ;) Good luck! http://lockerz.com/s/119…
@BristolBuddies Well, it sounds like one to me, if you’ve got somewhere it might fit.
@BristolBuddies How on earth… Wait. This is going to need more than 140 characters, isn’t it?
@BristolBuddies What, and that *wasn’t* a dream?