Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 6th, 2011

@codepo8 No joke. Quite popular at the moment.

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@StJamesPT Mostly, “oh, thank God, she’s stopped talking.”

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Gah! Forgot Apprentice. *starts watching an hour behind everyone else* *turns of Twitter*

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@Mouse_House Um. A bit stagnant, really. But I have arranged that things are guaranteed to change at some point

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Afternoon, Mr. Another Gorilla.…

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@ruskin147 Goodness, it’s like they’re using Skype or something :)

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Of course, now that Google is a social network, it won’t be long before it’s banned by corporate content filters.

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@hayles No? :( I was going to try getting out tonight, but I think this headache has other ideas.

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@hayles Much as I probably need one, I think I’ll pass :)

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@mattbrown01 For XP? I’d say Chrome. It’s what I use, anyway.

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@Juggzy It is a rainstorm in which you’d have been very unlucky to have been wearing just a dress.

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@xabl Really. Five minutes of torrential rain, followed by nice sunshine.

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@Marnova Just some brief monsoon-storm style rain outside. Sunny again now!

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@BlackDogDays Bah. I have no cupcake. All headache and no cupcake makes Matt a glum boy.

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This day-long headache surely can’t be because I’ve skipped my morning coffee for two days in a row? (Still drinking plenty of caffeine.)

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@Necromommycon @doctorow I’ve heard they also follow trails painted with coffee. Would love to know if that works!

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A well-timed article for me: _10 Life Lessons from a Reluctant Runner_ (via @zenhabits)…

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@seengee Yup. Depending on platform, you may already have “dos2unix” or “flip”. Careful only to run on the text files, mind!

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@seengee Ouch. Not sure, but I don’t think so. :(

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@seengee Hrm. Is it Unix vs Windows line endings, rather than blank lines?

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@RamonYouseph Must’ve missed it. Might wander round with camera after work. Great seeing people’s reactions.

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@Mummiafelice Yup; someone was bemoaning the difficulty of getting through to them yesterday. Hopefully they’ll see that RT…

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RT @Mummiafelice: What’s this Beko fridge fire hazard thing about? where can I check if mine is included? <- Know someone I follow has one!

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